If you were born on February 18, then you represent the zodiac sign of Aquarius, which is ruled by the element of Air. Specialties of people of the February 18 zodiac sign: the Aquarius sign has both advantages and shortcomings, like every sign in the whole zodiacal circle. One interesting thing: in the zodiacal circle, these combinations of negative and positive traits do not have concrete statistics about the percentage of both sides. From different sides we can rate things in different ways, so one trait can be good for one, and be bad for many others.
The strongest sides of the February 18 zodiac sign characteristic traits are their independence, honesty, and well-developed mental and intellectual skills. Their weaknesses are emotional closeness, excessive self-criticism, pessimism, and a tendency to be alone from time to time. Every weakness can be turned into the advantage of traits, as these people have strong willpower, and thanks to that and the hard work they can change.

The women born on February 18 are distinguished with such characteristic traits, like the strive for self-realization, supportiveness, sociability, and friend-loving. They are very talented, and throughout their lives, they always improve their talents. The men of the February 18 zodiac sign are endowed with such characteristic traits, as activeness, independence, responsiveness, and courage. These men are also very clever, and sometimes it feels like they are walking encyclopedias.
The zodiac sign of people born on February 18 is Aquarius. These are independent, curious, and purposeful natures. These representatives combine in themselves some contradictions: these people at the same time can be characterized with dreaminess and cold judgment, which is mostly depending on the movement in-universe. The people around them think they are personalities with unexpected and unpredictable characteristic traits, but one thing is constant: they want to be free, and every approach that can limit their freedom, will end up in a cruel way.
The people of the February 18 zodiac sign are dubious and fickle in their relationships of love or marriage. Each day of their lives they strive for new emotions and feelings, because of which they do not hurry to create family, and stop their choice on one person. They try to catch every moment of this life and make it unforgettable. They love to be in the center of attention among the representatives of the opposite gender.
In their romantic relationships, the people of the February 18 zodiac sign are irascible and emotional. They can vent their anger to their partner, which they later regret. This is why they need a person next to them, who will understand them, and accept all their pros and cons. In marriage, they are loyal, caring, and loving partners. As a parent, they do everything to satisfy the needs of family members, and to fill their home with comfort.
The people born on February 18 are compatible with the representatives of Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius signs. They have to avoid relationships with the people born under the signs of Capricorn, Scorpio, and Cancer, as they promise to be complicated, and full of quarrels.