If you were born on February 15, then you represent the zodiac sign of Aquarius, which is ruled by the element of Air. Specialties of people of the February 15 zodiac sign: the strongest sides of the people born on February 15 are their ambitiousness, sociability, developed mental skills, and talent, which they improve all their lives. Thanks to such traits, plus excellent oratory skills, these people become able to make everyone do what they want, or think whatever they want. From their weaknesses, we can mention their vulnerability and fall into stress and depression. From time to time they need to take a rest, be alone, and think about many things, so they will be able to make an order in their heads.
The women of the February 15 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, as eccentricity, originality, intellect, and different creative skills, that is why they are known as mystery-woman among the people surrounding them. The men of this star sign are endowed with such traits, as independence, courage, resourcefulness, and intelligence.

The zodiac sign of people born on February 15 is Aquarius. These are freedom-loving, devoted, and loyal personalities. They are loyal and devoted to everything and to everyone. They love to be in the center of attention, which can be explained as the rate of their effort. The main gift of the people of the February 15 zodiac sign is their intuition, which helps in any situation of life. The universe gave them one of its advantages – doing account in everything; these people always try to take count each step, so they think so long before making a decision.
The people born on this day have a good memory, and the ability to concentrate on details. These two traits make them show high abilities mostly in education. These people of the February 15 zodiac sign have strong willpower, strong character, and ambitiousness. Thanks to these traits, they become able to get everything they want from this life, which is beautiful for them in its all colors. Their main inspirations are they themselves with both ups and downs. In addition, these people usually are ruled by their emotions, which makes it harder to make important decisions.
Their cheerful personality and optimism attract others. In communication, they are very light, thanks to which they have many friends. These people are always honest, as well as they value this trait the most in others. They cannot stand conflicts, they just want to be in peace, which is why they try to avoid misunderstandings and quarrels. They like being in the center of attention. Thanks to their kind heart and supportive nature, they have a big circle of acquaintances, from which they have chosen such devoted friends like they are themselves.
The representatives of the February 15 zodiac sign cannot stay unnoticed, as they are too charming. As a partner, they choose a person alike themselves. They pay a big attention to their partner’s pronounced leadership qualities. Anything that can limit their freedom gets the name of the enemy, and they try to break it off the first. The people born on this day tend to impose their opinion on their partner. But they have to work hard on themselves. They are very careful and loving spouses. With their children, they have warm and friendly relationships. These people make the best compatibilities with the representatives of Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libra signs. They have ambiguous and tense relationships with the people born under the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, and Scorpio.