If you were born on February 14, then you represent the zodiac sign of Aquarius, which is ruled by the element of Air. Specialties of people of the February 14 zodiac sign: the combination of negative and positive character traits, which has created such an interesting personality, needs to be discovered. These people are interesting with their contradictions – courage and indetermination, sociability and the need of being alone, and other things like that. As the strongest sides of the February 14 zodiac sign, we can mention their resourcefulness, sociability, friendliness, and strong willpower. As a weakness, we can mention their vulnerability, and indetermination, and extra love for freedom, as they are truly afraid of losing it, so it may cause many quarrels and misunderstandings with others.
The women of the February 14 zodiac sign are distinguished with their uniqueness, sociability, friendliness, and openness. The men of this star sign are endowed with such characteristic traits, like originality in everything – starting from actions, up to mindset, independence, responsibility, and sensitivity.
![February 14 Zodiac Sign – Aquarius: What Zodiac Sign is February 14?](https://zodiac12signs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/February-14-Zodiac-Sign-Aquarius.jpg)
The zodiac sign of people born on February 14 is Aquarius. These are strong, cheerful, and flexible personalities, which are popular in their surroundings with their uniqueness. They are always happy to meet new people, express themselves, and make others admire with their advantages. They recognize only one place that belongs to them, and it is the first one. They think about it from childhood, as they cannot tolerate being the second one, or worse. These people value healthy competition, so they are always ready to fight honestly for things they truly want to get.
The people born on this day are very communicative and have a big circle of acquaintances. Among the people of the February 14 zodiac sign, there are many psychologists, as they understand other people’s manners very well. They also have very well-developed intuition, and can “smell” upcoming things, so they will leave the building before it will be broken. The ability to see the inner winds of others makes it such a hard thing to lie to them. So in any case of possibility try to be honest with them. These representatives are very honest and devoted as friends. They can be the best example of a true friend. In any relationship, they expect honesty and show the best example of it. Their devotion is at its maximum, so hurting and disappointing them is just about one wrong step. After that, they recover for a short time, and never act the same way.
Thanks to their openness and sociability, the people born on February 14 are popular among the representatives of the opposite sex. But it is hard for them to make harmonious relationships. The tendency of idealizing their partner leads them to disappointment, which they overcome after a long time. In relationships of love and marriage, they firstly value honesty. Keeping personal space in any kind of relationship is a must for them. As a partner, they want to see a person with a common worldview and common goals, who will understand them. As a spouse, they are very attentive and caring.
These people make the best compatibilities with the representatives of Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libra signs. They have ambiguous and tense relationships with the people born under the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, and Scorpio.