If you were born on February 1, then you represent the zodiac sign of Aquarius, which is ruled by the element of Air. Specialties of people of the February 1 zodiac sign: the Aquarius sign has both advantages and shortcomings, like every sign among the zodiacal constellations. The strongest sides of this sign’s characteristic traits are their independence, honesty, and well-developed thinking skills, and imagination as well, which adds their determination, and we get a truly strong person by nature. Their weaknesses are emotional closeness, incompleteness, and pessimism.
The women born on February 1 are distinguished with such characteristic traits, like strive for self-realization, originality, sociability, and friend-loving. These women are courageous, so they are able to get what they want, and with that to become an example for other people around them. The men of the February 1 zodiac sign are endowed with such characteristic traits, as activeness, independence, responsiveness, and kindness. These men also have analytical abilities, thanks to which they can objectively give a rate to anything.

The zodiac sign of people born on February 1 is Aquarius. These people are distinguished by their originality, energy, determination, and uniqueness. They strive to be different from the crowd by appearance, actions, and ideas, and they truly succeed, as they are very talented. They draw for themselves a unique map of the world, with their own values. People around them accept their individuality in different ways. The representatives of the February 1 zodiac sign have a lot of friends and secret ill-wishers. They show stubbornness when they are sure of their rightness.
The people of the February 1 zodiac sign can be characterized by their emotional instability. Their mood changes frequently. From time to time they become unable to control themselves, so here already can’t talk about controlling situation. They need to put so much effort to overcome their disorganization and learn to understand themselves. Sometimes they feel complicated, as they cannot find the true way. For these cases, they need to take a rest and to be alone for a while for thinking about their steps.
The people of the February 1 zodiac sign value their freedom, and they strive for new emotions. They always have a need for personal space, and from time to time, it is necessary for them to stay alone for a while. This is the main reason why they rarely make long-lasting relationships at a young age. They start to think about creating a family at a more mature age. In choosing of partner, they are led not only by emotions, but with a mind as well, and this second one is used the most. They pay attention to the financial situation and prospects for the future. For them, it is also important that their partner will have common interests and outlooks for life, and common goals as well. In the case of being wrong in their choice of partner, or feeling unhappy, they put an end to everything, as they do not have several lives for suffering.
These people make the best compatibilities with the representatives of Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libra signs. They have ambiguous and tense relationships with the people born under the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, and Scorpio.