The person born in the year of the Dragon has style, charm, magnetism, and personality – they never go unnoticed. An opportunist who is particularly receptive to trends in thinking, fashion, and new ideas, the Dragon Chinese zodiac sign has the knack of surprising you by anticipating principles and concepts, which are still only at the elementary of the planning stage, and realizing or laying claim to them before everyone else as if they were established facts.
In spite of the Dragon’s deep-seated attachment to the past, which they respect and at times even venerate, they are always pushing themselves on towards the future. The Dragon person moves forward and evolves. More often than not, they hesitate, seek out and experiment, but once they have made a choice, they see through whatever they have undertaken with a spirit, drive, and willpower which commands admiration.

What is more, they have a certain taste for daring situations, challenges, feats of arms, and the spectacular. Talking about the Dragon Chinese zodiac personality, we should mention that this sign likes to attract attention and arousal admiration. They have a sense of ceremonial and originality, which can prove to be excessive, ostentatious, or provocative. Their need to be recognized, however, remains superficial. It masks inner insecurity, an inability to go deeply into things, and fundamental anxiety which drives them to be constantly doing something, intervening in everything that happens, being demanding and impatient, touchy and quick-tempered, and wasting their energy.
However, they sometimes get discouraged after being thrown headlong into a venture which turns out to be too much for them. For, following the example of our Aries character, the person born in the year of the Dragon is often wildly enthusiastic. They charge straight into difficulty, convinced that there is none, until the day when, trapped by their lack of reflection and forethought, they react very violently. The Dragon’s rages are brief but frightening and destructive.
They can be compared to an earthquake as they cannot bear to be stopped in their tracks. However, if the Dragon individual were to spend less of his time seeking the unconditional admiration of others, striving to be original, to achieve and to be independent, and paid more attention to other people’s points of view, he would suffer fewer failures. For their enthusiastic, fiery character brings good luck, in that it forces events to develop in the Dragon’s chosen direction.
Now let’s talk about the Dragon Chinese zodiac compatibility. The Dragon is compatible with the Rat, Boar, and Monkey. He can make a nice family with the Rat and Monkey. Also, he can marry a Snake as well. The Dragon is incompatible with Dragon, Ox, and Dog.
Thus, if they fight for a cause, you can be sure they will succeed where others have suffered setbacks. Of course, the Dragon person is attracted by love affairs that are out of the ordinary, devastating passions and risky, dramatic scenarios. They want to be loved madly, in an exclusive, exceptional, absolute way. They need to be flattered, but they also need, just as much, to feel deep respect for their partner.
The Dragon – Chinese myths and symbols
Whilst in the West the dragon has certain similarities to heavenly or aquatic forces and to the elements of air and water, in China, it is a legendary animal that forms one body with the earth; its body is the earth itself, and the fire which it occasionally spits out looks like the fire which shoots up from the bowels of the earth at the time of a volcanic eruption. So the great Chinese dragon is a symbolic representation of the creation of the world and all earthly activity, It is a demon, admittedly, but a friendly demon, the guardian of the Earth who protects men from all the destructive demons. This is his Yang aspect, which is immediately obvious.
However, according to the great principle of Yin and Yang on which the whole of Chinese philosophy is based, it also possesses a Yin aspect, this is why it is looked upon as the supplier of rainwater. It has to be said that in China the rain is frequently torrential and the storms are sometimes excessively violent. So, to the Chinese, the dragon spits out the fire just as easily from the center of the Earth as he does in the sky. The emperor, the Son of Heaven, was often portrayed as a dragon, the symbol of harmonious, eternal power and worldly strength. Time is ofter shown by the picture of a dragon whose lead heralds the beginning of the year, while his tail marks the end. Finally, in astrology, the north and south nodes of the Moon are called Head and Tail of the Dragon.
The Dragon Chinese Zodiac Characteristics
- The Dragon Chinese name: Long (pronounced Longu)
- The Dragon Polarity: Yang
- The Dragon Element: Earth
- The Dragon Season: Spring
- The Dragon Month: April
Ql or periods of the year in the Chinese calendar:
- Qing Ming (the fifth period) 4 to 21 April
- Xiao Xue (the 20th period) 22 November to 6 December
The Dragon astrological affinities
The Dragon Chinese zodiac sign is often compared to the sign of Aries. In fact, since the month of April covers the two last decans of the sign of Aries and the first decan of the sign of Taurus, the Dragon is in affinity with these two signs, Mars and Venus – their ruling planets, as well as with the Sun, Venus and Mercury, the ruling planet of these three decans.
Yin and Yang
The explanation we are given in the West is often over-simplified and conditioned by our own culture and viewpoint. We try and distinguish between Yin and Yang and contrast them in the same way as feminine and masculine, woman and man. In fact, the Chinese Yin and yang cannot be separated. Moreover, they say Yin-Yang, not Yin and Yang. According to this principle, which is the fundamental, essential component, and primordial substance of all life in the view of the Chinese, Yin, and Yang interrelate and cannot be separated.
They create a unity, a ‘dual product’ according to Tao-te-King. Yin contains Yang on which it feeds and vice versa. This is what the symbol of Yin-Yang shows when it depicts a circle cut in two by an undulating line, with a black part containing a white spot. This symbol is supposed to represent the two sides of the mountain, each one alternately lit up by the sun plunged into darkness.
Luck of the Dragon Chinese Zodiac
- Lucky Flower: Candles, sparrow grass
- Dragon lucky Number: 1,7,6 Your
- Inauspicious Number: 9,8,3
- Dragon Chinese zodiac lucky color: Gold, silver, gray
- Inauspicious Color: red, green, purple, and black
- Dragon lucky direction: West, Northwest and northern