If you were born on December 30, then your zodiac sign is Capricorn, and the element is the Earth. Specialties of people of December 30 zodiac sign: As an advantage of characteristic traits, we can mention these peoples’ good organizational skills, activity, purposefulness, and intuitiveness. Their weakest sides are their categorical nature and intolerance to other people’s opinions. The women of the December 30 zodiac sign are distinguished with such characteristic traits, like energetic nature, curiosity, hardworking, and strive for material stability. The men of this sign are hardworking as well. They are endowed with leadership skills, wisdom, and foresight.
The zodiac sign of the people born on December 30 is Capricorn. These are talented organizers, who cannot tolerate disorder and confusion. They try to systemize and put on shelves everything. If the situation gets out of control, they despair. These kinds of people at work use traditional and checked methods. They have an ability to prove anything to anyone, and for that, they use rightly chosen words, and make others think the way they want. Due to this trait, they become good leaders and coordinators.

The representatives of the December 30 zodiac sign are curious, energetic, and active personalities. They are attractive in communication. However, categoricalness and conviction in their righteousness make them intolerant of other people’s opinions. This causes problems with superiors and colleagues.
The distinctive feature of the people of the December 30 zodiac sign is their well-developed intuition. This helps them to understand the motive of actions of other people, also, to “smell” the upcoming events, and leave the place, before the earthquake happens.
These people are hardworking and purposeful as well. They set goals from a young age, and try to do everything even out of their efforts to make it come true. They never get tired of trying, which provides their success. To be honest, fate was unfaithful to them, like the same things that others have got as a gift, these people got with overcoming many difficulties. But this doesn’t make them worse, as they love to fight for something, and enjoy their victory.
The people born this day are attractive, and know to communicate with people of the opposite sex. When they are talking, they look into the eyes of their interlocutor, and it feels like they penetrate into his heart. Their speech is affectionate and gentle. But when their chosen one doesn’t respond to them the same way, they quickly cool to him.
They expect from their partner mutual love, mutual respect, and understanding. When they get it, they become able to sacrifice a lot for their beloved ones. These people willingly spend time with their families. But if the chosen one is indifferent, they will not live by his rules. They become very caring parents. The women of this sign become good households. The men are very devoted to their families.
These people make compatibilities at a high rate with people representing the zodiac signs of Taurus, Leo, and Capricorn. For them, it is hard to be with the people of Aries, Aquarius, Sagittarius, and Cancer signs.