If you were born on December 28, then you represent the zodiac sign of Capricorn, and your element is the Earth. Specialties of the people of the December 28 zodiac sign: like every representative of any zodiac sign, these people too, have their strongest and weakest sides. The strongest sides of these representatives are their cheerfulness, purposefulness, and honesty. Their weakest sides are their unnecessary self-confidence, vanity, inability to reckon with other people’s opinions. The women of the December 28 zodiac sign are distinguished with their responsibility, honesty, frugality, and coldness. The men of this sign are endowed with such characteristic traits, like self-confidence, discipline, reliability, and laconic nature.
The zodiac sign of the people born on December 28 is Capricorn. These people are full of energy. They are able to do many things, but sometimes their unnecessary self-confidence makes them overestimate their strength. For them, success in career is very important, and they are oriented on material stability and advantage. At the same time, the love of materiality prevents them from developing spiritually and striving for high ideals.

These people love justice. They are able to exalt themselves and their success. They are conceited. They easily overcome obstacles that meet on their way to success. But they do not get what they want from this life easily. They have to put a huge effort to get something, which others can get as a gift from fate. But this doesn’t bother them, as they accept this life as an arena, where they are fighting for the best. Even after all these hard challenges they never violate moral norms.
They love to pretend to be known-it-all, even though this is not necessary. After all, they are already smart and perceptive.
The people representing December 28 zodiac sign are full of positive energy and love this life. They are not concentrating on their problems, and try to do everything for solving them in the best way. They easily understand others, as they see through their souls, that is why their acquaintance is very wide. And as they see the depth of others’ souls, they do not trust them, and this is the reason why they have few friends. Some contradictory thing – even though they do not trust others, they believe in humanity, and they want to see this world better. They are faithful, principal, and do not like compromises.
These people are romantics. They are more passionate and spiritual natures than other Capricorn representatives. They are reliable and devoted. At the same time, their chosen ones have a hard time: excessive exactingness and frequent changes in the mood of these people complicate the relationship.
Their marriage will be successful if they will choose a partner equal to them. In their relationships, problems come out when they choose as a partner an admirer who longs to earn their favor or a person with selfish intentions.
The representatives of the December 28 zodiac sign make good compatibilities with the people of the Leo, Taurus, and Capricorn signs. Their relationships are complicated and full of quarrels and misunderstandings with the people of Aquarius, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Cancer signs.