If you were born on December 27, then you represent the zodiac sign of Capricorn, and your element is the Earth. Specialties of the people of the December 27 zodiac sign: These people have such characteristic traits that specialize them as a strong personality. Those are their nobility, self-sufficiency, strong willpower, and inner optimism. As the weakest side, we can mention their inability to refuse, ability to be deceived. The women born on December 27 are distinguished with such characteristics, like their responsibility, deep inner world, amorousness, inaccessibility. The men of the December 27 zodiac sign are endowed with such characteristic traits, like their courage, resourcefulness, seriousness, reliability.
The zodiac sign of the people born on December 27 is Capricorn. These are generous, honest, and optimistic personalities. Even if they show themselves as open people, they are very closed for everyone. Only a few can see the mysterious angles of their souls. Spiritual breadth, optimism, and sense of humor attract others to them. That is why their acquaintance is very wide, but the circle of their friends – so strait. They charge people around them with their optimism and make the time with them easier.

Sometimes the people of the December 27 zodiac sign are so devoted that are ready to sacrifice themselves, but knowing the borders of everything is always a good idea. They are bothered by the problems of their family and friends. They are engaged in charity work, participate in the life of society. Do not decline a request for help. Their reliability is used by unscrupulous people.
The important part of the life of people of this zodiac sign is philosophy and belief. The spiritual activity fills their lives with meaning. The belief in supernatural power and belief of humanity makes them patient, generous and adds their power. It is important for them to choose the religious direction on their own; otherwise, it will become a headache for them.
The people representing December 27 zodiac sign are also vulnerable. They never will blame others but will redirect their aggression into themselves. This is the reason why they fall into depression.
The people born on December 27 are romantics. They have a very subtle soul, they are open to new relationships and always are in search of new feelings. This is the main reason why they have many romantic stories and a big list of exes. But when they find the right person, everything changes. This time they show us as a very devoted and loyal personality, who is ready to sacrifice himself for his beloved one. One thing that never changes inside them, no matter what circumstances, is that they are always in doubt in everything – especially in their choice of partner. Even after 10 or 20 years, they think about what it may be if they have chosen another one. They have to remember that happiness at first comes from inside, then it depends on someone.
In the family, they become very caring parents and try to raise their children as good people. Their relationships of love or marriage have a high rate with the representatives of the Taurus, Leo, and Virgo signs. Their relationships are complicated with the representatives of Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, and Cancer signs.