Zodiac Signs Compatibility: Chart and Rating Percentages

Are you interested in zodiac signs compatibility? If yes, then you are in the right place. In this article, we will find out what star signs are compatible with each other, we will check the zodiac signs compatibility chart and rating percentages. There are 12 zodiac signs and every sign has its personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses.

Compatibility of zodiac signs can be a good help in a couple’s relationship. This does not mean that the prospects for a good and strong relationship completely depend on the percentage of compatibility – there is a human factor that can sometimes destroy all percentages and probabilities. But knowing the influence of the planets on the zodiac sign, personality traits, and character of the sign, in all likelihood, you can avoid many pitfalls. Our advice makes your heart bond even stronger.

Table of contents

Zodiac Signs Compatibility Chart

The zodiac signs compatibility chart is a photo in which all possible pairs of all zodiac signs(men and women) are shown in percentage of their rating. Using this chart you can easily determine the best and the worst pairs for your sign.

Zodiac Signs Compatibility Chart with Ratings Percentage

At zodiac12signs.com you can easily check your compatibility with a potential or current partner. Together with you, we will find out the strengths and weaknesses of your love ties. You will learn a lot of useful things, for example, how to win the heart of the person you like. Also, you will find out what to expect from the chosen one in everyday life and what mistakes in the relationship you should pay attention to.

It is safe to say that love in people’s lives comes first. A person cannot be happy if there is no love in his life. Each of us strives to find a compatible pair for ourselves, but unfortunately, it often turns out that on this path we are mistaken. Often, having met an interesting person for us, we ask ourselves: “How compatible are we?” Information about the compatibility of the zodiac signs will help answer this important question.

Very often there are compatibilities that depend on the years of birth of a person, that is, the year during which one or another sign of the zodiac dominated becomes decisive. That is why the harmony of many connections between the signs of the zodiac depends on the year of birth of a person. In our Zodiac Signs Compatibility, this is taken into account and plays a big role. But there are compatibilities (and there are many of them), for which it does not matter which sign of the zodiac dominated in the year of birth of this couple.

Compatibility of specific signs of the zodiac

There are only 12 zodiac signs and we will find out all possible relationships between these signs. Zodiac signs compatibility doesn’t have 100% accuracy but gives us very high probabilities(even 90-95%). Below we will check a piece of short information for every zodiac sign compatibility. By clicking on the “Read More” buttons, you can navigate to the pages, where you will find detailed information on each star sign compatibility. So let’s start.

Aries Compatibility

The zodiac sign Aries can have a strong relationship with four signs. Aries compatible signs are Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Let’s talk about Aries and Sagittarius compatibility. Both of these zodiac signs are similar to each other in terms of independence. They simply cannot do without freedom, so if a connection arises between them, they will not limit the freedom of their partner. We can tell the same about the Aries and Leo compatibility. These signs have the same element – fire. Read more…

Taurus Compatibility

Taurus has the best compatibility with the same zodiac sign. Taurus and Taurus’s relationship is the best for this sign. They are not just happy couples, but at the same time, they are best friends. This couple is always ready to help each other and this makes their compatibility strong. Also, in this case, we can’t mention the other two signs as well – Virgo and Capricorn. Taurus compatibility with these signs is also strong. Read more…

Gemini Compatibility

In a relationship, Gemini pays attention to the intellect and mind of the partner. If in this regard the partner has problems, then it is practically impossible to build a strong relationship with Gemini. The most compatible signs for the Gemini are Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo. All these 3 signs can make a strong and harmonic relationship with this zodiac sign. Also, we should mention, that mostly the compatibility of Gemini and Gemini is not so good(especially in marriage). Read more…

Cancer Compatibility

Cancer compatibility is the best with these 3 signs – Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn. All these signs can build a great relationship with Cancer, but the best relationship Cancer can build with Taurus, and it’s fact. Cancer and Taurus compatibility is not just the best relationship for these signs, it is one of the strongest relationships of all zodiac signs. First of all, this couple gives great importance to the comfort in the house and it makes their family the cutest one. Read more…

Leo Compatibility

The planet that controls Leo is the Sun, this factor influences the fact that Leo tries to dominate in relationships. Naturally, it is not always possible, but in general, they achieve this result. Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini are the most compatible signs for Leo. The most compatible sign for Leo is Gemini. Their partnership can easily turn into a relationship and then even a marriage. We can say, that it may be the most colorful family of zodiac signs. Read more…

Virgo Compatibility

One of the most compatible signs for Virgo is Pisces. These two signs complement each other. Virgo has developed analytical thinking and Pisces has creativity. If you mix these two qualities, you will get something special. These qualities will help them in their personal lives. The next sign that can build a great relationship with the Virgo is Scorpio. They may be a cute couple as well. Read more…

Libra Compatibility

Libra most of all among the zodiac signs strive for justice. And this is no coincidence because they are the most balanced sign of the zodiac. Naturally, Libra strives for justice in relationships as well. Libra’s partner should be as honest as possible and this is the key to a happy and crappy family. Libra is also a weary romance. The most compatible sign for Libra is Aries. Leo and Sagittarius can build a good relationship with this sign as well. Read more…

Scorpio Compatibility

Almost everyone knows, that Scorpio is the most mysterious sign. And sometimes his relationship with other signs of the zodiac is also mystical. Scorpio can make the best relationship with Taurus. These zodiac signs have very similar energies and this makes them a nice couple. Also, we should mention that Scorpio’s compatibility with Virgo and Capricorn is good enough as well. Read more…

Sagittarius Compatibility

Did you know that Sagittarius is the luckiest sign of all 12 zodiac signs? It’s the truth. This sign has great relationships with Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. The best choice for this sign is Gemini. They are a nice couple because they have a lot in common. Both these signs love changes and can’t live without traveling. Read more…

Capricorn Compatibility

Capricorn is one of the few signs of the zodiac who never loses his mind in love. Even if he is half in love, he does not do stupid things. Basically, this quality has a positive side. There are three zodiac signs who can make a good relationship with Capricorn. These signs are Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. The best compatible sign for Capricorn is Pisces. Read more…

Aquarius Compatibility

Aquarius is one of the most sociable signs of the zodiac. He loves to joke and amuse people around him. This is one of the positive personality traits of this sign. The best compatibility of Aquarius is with Sagittarius. They are not jealous of each other and trust their partner. This makes their relationship very strong. Also, Aquarius can make a good relationship with two other zodiac signs – Aries and Leo. Read more…

Pisces Compatibility

If we talk about the compatibility of the zodiac sign Pisces in two words, then these words will be as follows – unpredictable and paradoxical. These words characterize the compatibility of this sign very well. Pisces can make a great relationship with Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio, and Virgo. But the best combination is Pisces and Taurus. Read more…

Zodiac Signs Compatibility Percentage

There are 144 different Zodiac signs compatibilities if we take into account that the same sign can be a man or a woman. All these compatibilities are strongly different and they all have their own nuances and rating percentages. So below we added all possible compatibilities with links to the specific page, where you can find all details about each relationship.

If you have already chosen your partner, then we hope that the compatibility of your Zodiac signs is favorable and strong. Zodiac signs compatibility percentages:

Hope you have a good rating percentage with your partner! If the rate is not so low, then it’s not a sentence. Simply explore the good and bad traits in yourself and your partner and work on those traits.

Top 5 Most Compatible Zodiac Couples

The top 5 most compatible zodiac couples are Virgo man Capricorn woman(98%), Aquarius man Aries woman(97%), Sagittarius man Aries woman(96%), Pisces man Cancer woman(96%), Sagittarius man Gemini woman(96%).

You might just ask why these couples are the most compatible. The answer is simple, they have such character traits that are in harmony with each other and they feel their partner. There are also many other nuances that make these couples the best. For example, zodiac signs that have the same element (for example, Scorpio and Pisces have the element of water) are more compatible with each other.

  1. The most harmonious and happy pair is a Virgo man and a Capricorn woman. They have almost everything to create an ideal and happy family. It remains only to love and be happy.
  2. Aquarius man and Aries woman also have a very high level of compatibility. They love each other and are harmonious in bed. In addition, this couple gives birth to good and smart children.
  3. As we already mentioned, the Sagittarius man Aries woman compatibility percentage is about 96%. They are natural friends and understand each other perfectly. They can easily create a happy family, and in this family, all family members will be friends.
  4. The Cancer woman is the best choice for the Pisces man, and it is almost a proven fact. They have so much in common that it makes no sense to list. Find such a couple in life and you will find out how much they have in common and why they are considered one of the happiest couples in the zodiac.
  5. The percentage of compatibility between a Sagittarius man and a Gemini woman is about 96%, and this is a real connection at the soul mate level.

Top 5 Worst Compatible Zodiac Couples

The top 5 worst compatible zodiac couples are Libra man Scorpio woman(40%), Taurus man Sagittarius woman(40%), Cancer man Sagittarius woman(40%), Pisces man Gemini woman(44%), Aries man Capricorn woman(45%). Now let’s talk a little about each of these pairs.

  1. The Libra man and the Scorpio woman do not understand each other, so their marriage is something that both of these signs should avoid. These are the most incompatible zodiac signs.
  2. Next comes the Taurus man and Sagittarius woman. Their compatibility percentage is about 40%. These signs are from different worlds, so they will not be happy together.
  3. 3rd place of incompatible signs is occupied by the Cancer man and the Sagittarius woman. They do not have a very good indicator of friendship, they do not understand each other in bed, so there is no point in marriage.
  4. The compatibility of the Pisces man and the Gemini woman is low, and they are not a good couple. They have nothing in common and their family life is mostly unhappy. But it should be noted that talented and smart children are very often born in such a family.
  5. The Aries man and Capricorn woman round out our top five. Only platonic love will save their marriage. But is platonic love possible between these signs? Hardly.


We can draw the following conclusions from all this:

  • There are no perfect couples, but there are couples that have a very high percentage of compatibility.
  • There are several couples of the zodiac for whom marriage is highly likely to be unsuccessful.
  • Signs that have the same element understand each other better.

Before you take serious steps, think carefully about making sure your choice. Don’t make spontaneous moves in a serious relationship. First of all, remember that marriage is a serious step and look for a suitable partner for yourself. Remember, in a divorce, the children suffer much more than you yourself.

Do good, love the people around you, take care of your family and be happy!