The Ascendant is the highest point of the first house of the natal chart, and this shows the energy that a person transmits to the world around him and accumulates during his life with the support of the Sun and the Moon. The ascendant in Capricorn (the top of the first home) forms a hard characteristic, and the level of hardness of that depends on the spiritual development – the stubbornness and rudeness in communication need to be changed to confidence and purposefulness.
There are no obstacles for this native, but only overcoming difficulties – one of the most loveable things for the people with the Capricorn rising sign. The native is born in an environment of increased with a difficult pregnancy or the age of the mother (usually over 25 years old).

People with the ascendant in Capricorn rising sign are realists, who strongly stay on their feet. For these representatives in the first place is high status in society, for which he works so hard without getting tired and limits himself to entertainment and shopping. Reaching the goal, he will reward his patience with the purchase of real estate and land. This representative is restraint in his emotions, he never relies on someone, and never trusts anybody besides himself. He can relax and throw off the protective shell only in his comfortable house, and with comfortable people.
The key character traits of the ascending Capricorn are strength and ambition on the verge of vanity. For a long time he can be in the secondary role, but when he sits on the chair of the boss, blooms, showing his real face of a lord, at whose behest subordinates begin to grab stars from the sky, which certainly benefits the common cause.
Cold-blooded and judicious native thinks that passionately showing emotions is just a weakness and he is able to keep his icy impression of the face, even if in his heart there are volcanic passions. People with the Capricorn rising sign are easy to notice with their glance of leaders, covered with arctic cold, and amazing youthfulness: with age, they look better than in their youth.
Capricorn Rising – Appearance and Behavior
Depending on the strength of Saturn’s position, certain features will be expressed in appearance and behavior:
- yellow shade of skin, triangle tip of the face;
- bushy eyebrows, women often have “antennae” above the upper lip;
- not big eyes, serious glance, sometimes look elder than they are;
- straight hair, this native tries to comb them back, opening the forehead;
- the habit of interlocking fingers or propping one cheek while talking;
- they prefer practice style of clothing, restrict classical, and expensive.
When they reach material stability, the representatives of Capricorn rising sign, who are under the affection of Saturn, don’t sit back on the chair but continue to strive for reaching new goals. This is the real meaning of their life. With the defeat of Saturn, difficulties in expressing feelings appear: it is difficult to fall in love, the violent emotions of a partner are annoying.