The Sun enters the constellation of the Capricorn sign every year on the 21st of December and leaves it on the 20th of January. The name “Capricorn” from Latin means “caper” – goat, and “cornu” – horn. The element of the Capricorn star sign is the Earth. As an earthy sign, the Capricorn male characteristics have pragmatism, reliability, and stability. The practical Capricorn stands on his feet firmly. The representative of this sign lives in a reality, without indulging in baseless fantasies and illusions. The main strength of the Capricorn male characteristics is that as a sober analyst he knows how to subordinate emotions to the voice of cold reason.
The ruling planet for the Capricorn zodiac sign is Saturn, which has endowed the Capricorn man with discipline, persistence, ambitiousness, and, of course, with a purposeful characteristic. This man doesn’t expect presents from fate, and knows that success smiles on to those, who work really hard. Capricorn’s motto is “There is no word “do not want”, there is a word “must”.

The stone talismans for the Capricorn man are jade, agate, onyx, amethyst, and dark, black minerals. Jade is a true natural antidepressant. This mineral holds the record for a number of soothing qualities. It eliminates anxiety, recovers spiritual balance, harmonizes the space at home. Jade products will help the Capricorn man to find a night of restful sleep and will give him positiveness. Favorable colors for the Capricorn man are shades of purple, and brown. Favorable numbers for them are 3, 5, 7, 8, 14.
The main traits of the Capricorn male characteristics are his endurance and reliability. He is the one, on which you can always rely, no matter in what situation. Due to his analytical mind and strategical thinking, he knows how to bring his plans to life without much effort. The sober outlook for reality helps him to make out all possible perspectives in the future.
About this man astrologers say that his passions are irreparably ordered. The fact is that by his temperament the Capricorn is a melancholic – restrained and close person. Due to his natural coldness, he may think rationally with calculating and controlling the situation. The way of life of the Capricorn man reminds him of climbing a steep slope. Step by step he conquers another ledge as long, as he will reach the highest high. This man is a born strategist, who foresees all the possible variants of events and even in the case of failure he knows to which direction he must do his next steps.
The Capricorn is the personification of the saying about a quiet pool. Despite the prevailing stereotypes, this man knows how to surprise. Yes, is you have a Capricorn man in your surrounding, you will already know that he does it in doses. That is why we wait for another surprise, otherwise, it would have seemed so common. Possibly, if Capricorn was not afraid of spontaneous manifestations of feelings, he could avoid burnout, from which most Capricorns suffer a lot.
The advantages of the Capricorn male characteristics are obligation, diligence, justice, indifference to criticism, and multitasking. Disadvantages are coldness, bias, pessimism, and also fanatic nature.