The Sun enters the constellation of the Capricorn in winter. Depending on if the year was leap or normal, the Sun comes in on 20-21st of December and stays there up to 19-20th of January. In the Harsh winter the life in nature freezes. The Sun comes for not a long term and doesn’t warm. In that conditions, only those who can survive, who have a strong spirit and healthy body. The Capricorn female characteristics are based on these traits.
The element of the Capricorn is the Earth. For the women, born under the sign of this mythological creature, the soil never leaves underfoot. They are judicious, solid, and reliable. At the first glance, these kinds of traits are not as good for the Capricorn female characteristics, as good they are for males, but this only seems at the first glance. The Capricorn woman is the base of the family, its heart and mind. These women are very wise, as their partners will never notice that they are “driven”, not “drivers”.

The ruling planet of the Capricorn zodiac sign is Saturn. This planet dictates to them the unwritten rules of life under the motto “it is necessary”. From here comes the Capricorn female characteristics’ discipline, and willpower. The Capricorn women prefer the shades of brown, from beige to dark chocolate, and a palette of purple tones. From the stone talismans, the Capricorn women intuitively prefer warm amber and onyx, feeding them with their energy. Favorable numbers for this star sign are 3, 5, 7, 8, and 14. The fortune is supportive to them on numbers 7, 12, 17. On these days of the month, they succeed especially.
The Capricorn women refute generally accepted stereotypes. Their weapons to weakness and cries are their inner power and common sense. They are not inclined to reflections, they don’t float in the skies, don’t make fantastical plans. They do not spend time on feminine tricks to look better than they really are.
Young Capricorns, unlike their peers, understand soon, that the natural blush and shine of young skin are more attractive than most stunning make-up. That is why, thanks to their natural beauty, they always stand out favorably against the background of the war paint of their friends. With years the Capricorn women blossom, the contrast with their peers becomes striking. In the 40 years old fresh-fit lady it is hard to recognize that usual girl, which she was at 18. Yes, and she looks even younger at 40 that you have to look at her passport for knowing her true age.
The Capricorn female characteristics are distinguished with their laconic and well-mannered traits. She is tactical, and always restraint aristocratically, regardless of status and upbringing. No matter if she was born in a family with many children, or she was the only child in her family, she always acts like a “blood princess”.
The Capricorn female characteristics always make her strive for success. In her way to success, she shows an unbelievable tenacity bordering on stubbornness. This woman knows how to surprise, and when it is necessary. She knows that if she shows her bright sides every day, she can lose their value. That is why they show themselves in dose, as others will wait for another one, and never get enough. She believes that “sometimes less is more”.