Let’s talk about the Capricorn best match. Capricorn can make an ideal or best love match with Taurus and Virgo. Taurus and Virgo are Earth signs as well as the Capricorn. Both of these signs tend to share Capricorn’s love of pragmatism and Capricorn’s love of a more practical approach to life – all three signs love this. Those zodiac signs that Capricorn is advised to consider last for love are Aries, Cancer, and Libra though if Capricorn is looking for love (true love or any sort of love) then these should not be dismissed if some kind of love has started to grow.
As we already mentioned, Taurus and Virgo can make a nice relationship with Capricorn, but what is the best choice for the Capricorn between these two signs? The Capricorn best match is Taurus because the compatibility rate of Capricorn Woman and Taurus Man is about 95%, and the compatibility rate of Capricorn Man and Taurus Woman is about 89%. Also, you can check Capricorn compatibility with all signs of the zodiac on this page – Capricorn Compatibility.
Where matters of love are concerned Capricorn has a reputation for being faithful in all types of love and when they marry someone that they have a true love for it is usually for life – long and full of love.

The zodiac sign of Capricorn is found to be loyal to friends (almost as if they love them) and this love carries over as one would imagine to their actual partners in love. Conversely, Capricorn tends to make a terrible enemy – something you really won’t love! – Capricorn loves fidelity and loves honesty. So, if Capricorn happens to be your lover and you want to remain in love with them and desire that they continue to love you, then you must be aware of the hazards involved if you have a love of sharing your love around – this is not a good idea at all!
Talking about the Capricorn best match, we should mention one more important thing. In love, Capricorn is generally understood to love the coolness and sometimes loves this enough to be seen as a calculating individual. This rarely applies to Capricorn’s love life however as those born under the sign of Capricorn generally give their love in a free and loving manner and have extremely warm hearts full of love.
Don’t worry if the Capricorn that you love seems to be distant from love or aloof from the idea of love as this can happen if Capricorn’s mind happens to be elsewhere, such as on Capricorn’s work which they take very seriously indeed – they love it!). Remember that deep inside Capricorn a generous (full of love) and passionate (that’s hot love) heart lies beating and looking for love.