Cancer Sun Pisces Moon Virgo Rising
The combination of the Cancer sun Pisces moon and Virgo rising is one of the most sensual and cautious combinations possible in an astrological trio. People with this combination are very smart and usually calculate their actions and basically control their next move. To fully understand this combination, we will check the positions of the sun, moon, and ascendant separately. Let’s start.
If at the time of your birth the Sun was in Cancer, then this means that you decided to build a solid foundation for your personal life. You are overwhelmed by worries not only about prosperity but even about luxury and great wealth since you consider this the most necessary issue for yourself. All this you can accomplish if the powerful stimuli of social and professional life do not turn out to be the dictates of fate.
The knowledge acquired by you and all that life has given you was “food” for you, but this may later result in some kind of work or in such abilities that are necessary not for your personal life, but for society.

The balance between social and private life
It is very important for you, and especially for your progress, to create a balance between your social and private life. Your difficulty in this matter will be how interesting and successful your social life will be, and how uninteresting your personal life will be, so here you need a balance. What is important is what happened in the middle part of the sky at the time of your birth, that is, between the signs of the Zodiac Aries and Libra, or, what is the same: what matters is which of the signs of the Zodiac was your rising sign at the time of your birth.
Your weak parts are the feet, and the body is subject to diseases of the feet, modification of the bone membrane, and diseases of the bones in the area of the feet. You can have excessive sweating, and a tendency to all contagious diseases, and in you any contagious disease can cause a general poisoning of the body.
Pisces are prone to weight gain because they love and eat high-calorie foods. Kindness, compassion, and a great desire to help can put a strain on your bank account. In financial matters, Pisces are not businesslike and can harm themselves. As parents, they are infinitely sensitive, taking care of children in all matters. If the Moon was in Pisces at the time of your birth, there may be unnatural things in your life even when Saturn is present in this house and Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are in Pisces.
If the Moon is at any degree from the 10th to the 30th, then beware of using a talisman or other means of dealing with fate.
An analytical mind that gives the Cancer Sun Pisces Moon Virgo Rising
If your ascendant sign is Virgo, then you have an analytical mind, and the degree of your feelings depends on the influence of the planets in your horoscope. A lot depends on how you perceive the world. This does not mean that you are cold or insensitive, on the contrary, you have deep tender feelings and great concern for others. In any case, you only need logical thinking.
By the way, you can find out your rising sign by checking this article – How to Find Out Your Rising Sign.
You appreciate the amazingly sharp analytical engine, the search for facts and information the truth, presenting the cause of any situation. You are quite resilient, but not stubborn, change your mind under the influence of convincing facts. You exaggerate the importance of small details and get upset when others do not notice their importance.
Work is important to you and you usually work hard throughout your life. You live in an internal struggle when things are difficult, which requires a lot of effort from you. You win by your own diligence, not by the interference and influence of others.
In conclusion, we can say with confidence that if at the time of your birth the Sun is in Cancer, the Moon is in Pisces and your ascendant is in Virgo, then you are endowed with mostly positive characters and energy from the cosmos. We hope that after reading this article, you will work on your strengths and weaknesses and improve yourself throughout your life.