The Cancer man and Virgo woman compatibility rate is high. The universe gave these signs some personality traits, which complement each other. That is why the representatives of these zodiac signs make happy relationships of love or marriage. This rate has all chances to be higher, and everything depends on them; if they act respectfully and understand each other in marriage, with a love, of course, they will be even happier. The compatibility chart of Cancer man and Virgo woman shows that the percentage of compatibility between these two signs is high, and they can be an ideal couple.
The compatibility between these two signs is distinguished by a genuine depth of feelings. The cold-blooded and stable Virgo woman, which represents the element of earth, seems to be specially created for the Cancer man – the representative of the water element, sometimes too emotional and so in need of female care. The love of these two zodiac signs is so tender that at times it resembles the relationship between mother and son: Virgo shows true maternal care for Cancer, and he has filial affection for her.

The Virgo woman is considered to be a restrained, reasonable lady, but this is only half the truth. Most astrologers say that Virgo’s external equanimity is explained by her ability to keep her emotions in check. This woman’s soul is very, very deep. It feels like she experienced a whole range of human feelings. But one thing is important about this woman – she does not want to show her feelings to an outside observer. The representative of this zodiac sign by nature is serious and modest, and she has the manners of a real lady. This trait increases the rate of Cancer man and Virgo woman compatibility.
Cancer man and Virgo woman compatibility chart
Below you can see the compatibility chart between a Cancer man and a Virgo woman. This chart shows that these two signs have a high rate of compatibility in bed and are very trusting of each other. Other compatibility indicators are average but very close to high.
Cancer man and Virgo woman | Compatibility score |
Love | Medium |
In bed | High |
Friendship | Medium |
Intellectual | Medium |
Emotional | Medium |
Trust | High |
Hobbies and interests | Medium |
Overall | Medium |
Cancer man and Virgo woman compatibility percentage
The table below shows the compatibility of these signs as a percentage. As you can see the Overall percentage is 87%. This is an almost perfect result. The percentage of trust between these signs is 91%. The next higher result is compatibility in bed – 90%. The lowest compatibility on an emotional level, but in any case, this is also a good result – 81%.
Cancer man and Virgo woman | Compatibility percentage |
Love | 88% |
In bed | 90% |
Friendship | 85% |
Intellectual | 87% |
Emotional | 81% |
Trust | 91% |
Hobbies and interests | 87% |
Overall | 87% |
Love compatibility
Love compatibility between these two signs is high. The percentage of love compatibility between a Cancer man and a Virgo woman is 88%. This is a very good result. These signs fall in love at first sight very rarely. The love between them appears over time. If you think a little about it, then you can even argue that love over time is firm and permanent than love at first sight.
The Cancer man has a very romantic nature. He is withdrawn, and very emotional, which is common for the representatives of the water element. Maybe this is the reason why this man is vulnerable by nature. Some astrologers compare it to a hermit crab that takes shelter from the storms of life in its fortress home.
By nature, the Cancer man is a real couch potato. This trait sometimes can hurt his relationships of love or marriage, and, of course, lower the rate of any compatibility with him. This man anxiously protects the inner world from outside intrusion and prefers to seem pragmatist. But if such a guy feels the warmth of your heart, his soul strings will surely respond to an unspoken call.
Calm, clever, and earmarked, a Virgo woman can point out the flaws in almost anything but is stirred inwardly with the loving nature of the Cancer man. His tenderness and caring nature are what she loves most. He can effectively and effortlessly share his darkest secrets with her since she is kindhearted.

The love compatibility between a Cancer man and a Virgo woman is very kind and simple-minded, with a long-term perspective. In this union, the woman will become a muse for Cancer in life, and he will help her to open up emotionally, to become more relaxed. The Cancer man becomes a protector in this union, and a Virgo woman with great pleasure takes the role of a protector of family calm and comfort. They understand each other very well, that is why they can go so far together.
In this union sometimes happen no violent passions, however, as well as quarrels and conflicts. The Cancer man can free his feelings, but his beloved wise woman can control them and give them the right direction. Their unity is very interesting, as they prefer business negotiations to romantic candlelight dinners. Here dominate realistic ideas and plans for the future. They discuss the plans for a family budget with great pleasure.
Are Cancer man and Virgo woman soulmates?
Compatibility levels are very high and these two can bind together in a long-lasting relationship. That’s why a Cancer man and a Virgo woman are soulmates.
Cancer man will make Virgo woman feel loved and at the same time bring out all her passions in the open. She on the other hand feels protected and secure. Neither of them will ever have reasons for suspicion or jealousy, as they are both very sincere. Each will remain loyal to the other and their relationship will be based on trust. A little control of their critical nature can do the trick in the relationship.
Cancer man finds Virgo the settling element in life and their relationship will flourish with beautiful flowers of both love and happiness. They will care very much for each other and in this respect, there is no other zodiac match that can surpass this combination. Both have respect for each other and feel secure with each other. This is another reason that makes us consider them soulmates.
Cancer man is very sensitive, cautious, and intelligent. He considers himself superior to others though is very humble about it. Determined, steady, and strong, he will achieve success under all conditions. Virgo woman on the other hand appreciates the protective nature of her Cancer man as well as his polite attitude towards her. He also gives her the most desired freedom when she wishes to remain alone.
Virgo woman and Cancer man in bed
A Virgo woman and a Cancer man are sexually compatible. That’s why the percentage of compatibility in bed between these zodiac signs is 90%.
The sexual relationship between the two will be very satisfying and full of love. The tenderness of the Cancer man is not devoid of passion, and the sensitive nature of the Cancer man will awaken a high passion in the Virgo woman. The possessive nature of Cancer man can open new doors of problems but both of them will be able to face this opened door for their relationship.
In this combination, the sensitive nature of Cancer man will make their relationship attractive and there will be special feelings for his partner. He will be able to give some sentimental moments to her if they are going to have some love. He would like to give his partner joy and fill her heart with sensations.
In bed, the Virgo woman and the Cancer man feel each other and know almost everything about the needs of their partner. This makes them an almost perfect couple in bed.
The Virgo woman will be out because she would not have any idea about such type of feelings and love. However, she would like to manage her right man’s love and his sentiments. She will give her partner complete security about her love and this thing will be life for Cancer man. Their relationship will make progress and they will be able to understand one another’s feelings very easily if they are moving at the same pace.
Let’s summarize. The Cancer man and the Virgo woman at first glance are not a perfect couple, but they have every chance of becoming such a couple. Their relationship will become stronger over time, and their love will grow. This is enough to create a good family.
Due to mutual understanding and trust, the percentage of compatibility between Cancer man and Virgo woman is high – 87%. They can go so far together when they fall in love. They can create a good family where husband and wife trust each other. Marriage is recommended for these two signs!