The rate of compatibility between a Cancer man and a Libra woman is not that high and not that low, so it is possible that these two signs can live together; if they feel mutual love, their marriage can be a good one. They have to remember one thing – by respecting each other, they can overcome a lot of difficulties, so the rate of compatibility mostly depends on only these two. In this article, we will check the compatibility chart between a Cancer man and a Libra woman and consider the percentages of their relationship. We will also talk about their love and marriage.
The relationship between these two signs is a union of air and water signs. This union can be both violent and playful, as well as aggressive and toxic, but, in any case, extremely unpredictable. For these zodiac signs, it is not an easy thing to achieve harmony. But if they succeed, the partners receive something so valuable that the wounds that were inflicted during the grinding process are immediately forgotten, like nothing bad happened, and happiness and harmony enter their house replacing the suffering.

Cancer man and Libra woman compatibility chart
The compatibility chart of Cancer man and Libra woman shows that these two signs have a medium level of compatibility. They may have a chance to create a good family, but the chance is not so high. Let’s try to understand why. First of all, they have a low rate of compatibility in bed. Most of us understand that this indicator is very important when we talk about marriage, and therefore they are not the best couple. In addition, their level of friendship is also not that high, which is another important indicator of joint life.
Cancer man and Libra woman | Compatibility score |
Love | Medium |
In bed | Low |
Friendship | Medium |
Intellectual | Medium |
Emotional | Medium |
Trust | High |
Hobbies and interests | Medium |
Overall | Medium |
Cancer man and Libra woman compatibility percentage
The percentage of compatibility between these zodiac signs is 80%. This is far from the best result for these two signs, but not the worst either. Due to the fact that between these two signs, modestly speaking, not everything is in order in bed(the percentage of compatibility in bed is 68%), their marriage will not be perfect. Most likely the chances are not great.
At the same time, the percentage of trust between them is 90%. But, sorry, this does not make any sense, because if they are not harmonious in bed, then what can give them confidence? However, it is worth noting that for some people, compatibility in bed is not so important.
Cancer man and Libra woman | Compatibility percentage |
Love | 80% |
In bed | 68% |
Friendship | 77% |
Intellectual | 81% |
Emotional | 81% |
Trust | 90% |
Hobbies and interests | 83% |
Overall | 80% |
Love compatibility
Cancer man and Libra woman love compatibility is 80%. These two signs can love each other and be very honest with each other, which is why they trust each other.
Speaking about the compatibility of these two signs in love, it should be noted that the Cancer man is very romantic. He is courageous with very high emotionality. He feels everything so deeply. For this man, it is such an easy thing to understand other people. The representative of this zodiac sign appreciates stability and tradition.
He listens to the opinions of close people. One thing in him that can both attract and disappoint a woman is his jealousy, which can raise or lower the rate of Cancer man and Libra woman compatibility. The Cancer man is perspective, sometimes indecisive, or, conversely, succumbs to fleeting impulses.
The Libra woman represents the element of air and has manners that are common for all the representatives of the element of air (like emotionality is common for all water signs). Speaking about compatibility in love, it should be noted that this woman is very attractive and charming. She does not attract with her charm, since her beauty is not open to every one, since this woman does not need to impress everyone.

This manner shows, that she is also very smart and wise, also talented. Restrained in expressing feelings, she does not like uncertainty. She has to work on herself, as with this trait she can meet some problems in the relationships of love or marriage. The representative of this zodiac sign knows how to speak beautifully. She admires her words, and that is why she is successful in her career as well (don’t forget that she is also very talented).
Can a Cancer man make a Libra woman fall in love with him at first sight?
Cancer man is extremely moody with a sharp and intuitive mind. Popular among friends for his great sense of humor and deep analysis, he will always take all sides into account before making a decision. The Virgo woman also has this quality, she thinks a lot and only then makes a decision. This trait can make a Libra woman fall in love with him at first sight. So a Cancer man must be aware of this and develop this trait if he wants to win the heart of a Cancer woman.
The Libra woman is gentle, with a sweet smile and a humorous attitude that goes very well with the Cancer man. At times cold, the Cancer man is very affectionate and warm by nature, especially in a relationship with a Libra girl.
The Cancer man should not hide his hidden warm nature from the Virgo woman, because this is another trait for which the Libra woman can fall in love at first sight. He can hide it from anyone, but not from her, otherwise, it will be difficult to win her heart.
Libra woman is full of life and has a deep understanding of life. Known for loveliness and warm nature, she has all the gracious feminine features that are adored by the Cancer man. In love with the Cancer man, the Libra woman will appreciate his protective and jolly nature. Both will stand with each other every time and whenever one of the partners needs the other.
Cancer man and Libra woman in bed
Libra woman reacts positively to Cancer man in love, romance, and sex. While the heroic nature of Cancer man impresses her very much, he will in turn be impressed by her lovely feature and dignified nature. Despite the fact, that the percentage of compatibility in bed is 68%, the sex life will be exotic: the Libra woman will forget the world, and the Cancer man will be great in bed.
They may have to come with different problems in their relationship but they will be able to solve all these future issues with their romantic disposition and love excitement.
The reason that the percentage of compatibility in bed is so low is that sometimes a Cancer man does not want to give up his preferences and shows stubbornness in bed. But this is unacceptable. He must also respect the preferences of the Virgo woman. Therefore, if he gives up his senseless preferences in bed, and feels better about his partner, then everything will be fine.
Why does the Cancer man ignore the Libra woman?
Major differences between the two would be on the financial front. He loves to save, she loves to shop. So, if the Cancer man notices this, he may ignore the Libra woman. She must understand that shopping is not the most important thing in her life.
Cancer man is much more practical than Libra woman and she is carefree about life and takes everything as they come. In addition, a Cancer man may not fully express his feelings several times, while this can upset a Libra woman.
Another reason why the Cancer man ignores the Libra woman is the indecisiveness of this woman. She must be more determined so that her partner finally understands what kind of relationship they have, they are friends, a couple, or just acquaintances.
With a little adjustment and compromise, they will make the most fascinating and befuddling relationship among all the zodiac pairs. Compromise can lead to lasting relationships and happiness. Since both are sincere in each other’s feelings and adjust very well to each other, they will mostly stay together and remain faithful to the relationship. That is why the percentage of trust between them is at a high level.
Cancer man and Libra woman in friendship
If we are discussing the friendship between a Cancer man and a Libra woman, we can know that the Cancer man will be able to spread the wings of humor in this relationship, and the Libra woman will enable to share her adore and exquisiteness. The percentage of friendship compatibility between them is 77%.
Both of them will be able to add the taste of lovingness to their relationship by captivating discussions over different matters. This will help them become good friends.
A Cancer man may be different due to his traits and personality, but this diversity will not be enough to greatly affect their friendship. The Libra woman would like to talk and share her inner beauty of the soul with a friend, this will bring her closer to the Cancer man.
In this companion, the Libra woman finds a real man, and the Cancer man finds a true woman. It would seem that it is easier – you can trust your feelings and enjoy the relationship. This is what happens if a Cancer man is ready to create a family and does not doubt his chosen one, and a woman does not criticize and shows her inherent wisdom and diplomacy.
In the Cancer man and Libra woman compatibility partners have to notice, that after a sublime and comfortable period of love for both, they can meet a sharp emotional failure. Astrologers can’t mention the right time when it will end. It only depends on the efforts of both, but the discord in this pair usually comes from the Cancer man. So the Libra woman has to close her eyes to some acts of his beloved one. Only in this case they can beat the difficulties and become happier. The percentage of compatibility between a Cancer man and a Libra woman is 80%.