Let’s talk about the Cancer female characteristics and personality traits. Zodiac sign Cancer woman one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. If you decide to marry a Cancer girl, then at first you will notice that she is very fragile and feminine, and then she will look like a wild bird. Do not be surprised, because you will not understand which of them is its essence. The truth is that both are her essence and this is what makes her so charming.
The Cance woman has a very fickle mood and it is associated with the changeability of the moon. The moon abides in each sign of the zodiac for two or three days and when it enters a new constellation, she, like a woman, becomes completely different, although one cannot doubt the stamina of the Cancer woman. Everything she does, she does deliberately. But when the moon becomes full, she losing control of herself and becomes weak under the light of the moon. Zodiac sign Cancer female tells about everything in such a way that no secrets remain for you. She can keep the thing given by you for a very long time, even if it is of no value, just as a memory.

Another thing about the Cancer female characteristics: she is generous, but having an income is her passion. Money is her favorite topic of conversation, of course, after other topics that are more important to her. She does not consider a man without money as weak, inept, or unprofessional and it is a great personality trait. If you give her a precious thing, she will say, “You shouldn’t have done that,” and she will say it sincerely. In order to tear her away from everything, invite her for a night walk to the seashore, she loves it. The moon will not only reveal all her secrets, but a woman full of feelings and tenderness will appear before you. Zodiac sign Cancer female will become so outspoken that she will surprise you, she will be a good conversationalist.
The Cancer woman in matters of love appears in two faces. The first one is gentle, feminine, modest, and persistent. The second one is rather dry and strict. She has all the tricks of Eve to be able to take possession of you. In matters of love the Cancer woman is a warrior, she will always strive to be with you. It is good if you love her, but if not, do not marry her. You will not only lose interest in her, but you will also make her unhappy.
Talking about the Cancer female characteristics we should mention that she will never take the first step herself, so do not expect this from her. If you hesitate for a long time, the Cancer Woman will understand this and it will be more difficult for you to take possession of her. Be kind and generous to her and she will not demand any other attitude from you. Zodiac sign Cancer female does not reveal her secrets, trusts very few. If she is in a bad mood, then she is unhappy with herself. Convince her otherwise and she will be grateful to you for it.
If you take possession of her heart, you will not lack either encouragement or food. Compared to other girls, Cancer Woman and her humor will be more tender and dear to you. It will be the greatest dishonesty to play with her heart, because if she loves, then she gives herself up with all her being and demands the same. The smallest offense hurts her badly, she may cry, so it would be nice for her to always have a handkerchief with her.
Another personality trait of this Zodiac sign: Cancer woman rarely throws away an old thing, loves to keep her own. This woman can sacrifice herself for love. She will never leave you if you really need her. If necessary, it will turn into a powerful fortress in order to protect you. The Cancer female behaves in the same way in matters concerning children. When children appear, she shares her love between them and you, which can annoy you, since most of her time is taken by children. This woman embodies the best traits of a mother, thanks to which she is already a good bride if only you are worthy of her. In marriage, a Cancer woman shows herself well.