In this article, we will check the zodiac signs by month, and find out the birth months of each zodiac sign. As you know, there are 12 months in a year. By the date of birth, it is determined what sign of the zodiac a person has. For example, those people who were born in the period from March 21st to April 19 have the Aries zodiac sign, and people born from April 19 to May 20 have the Taurus sign. Typically, there are two signs in each month, for example, the signs of April are Aries and Taurus. But it is generally accepted that the main sign of April is Aries.
Astrologers believe that a person’s date of birth influences fate and they are right. The date of birth of a person strongly influences the character and destiny of a person. That is why you should know your strengths and weaknesses of character, learn about what is destined for you by fate. There are even astrologers who believe that the time, day, month, and year of birth program a person’s behavior until death.
On our site, you can find detailed information about your sign, or find out the planet or planets that control your sign, or even check your sign compatibilities with other signs, and much more. Details are matter, so don’t miss anything. Below you can check the list of zodiac signs by month.
- Aries : March 21 – April 19
- Taurus : April 20 – May 20
- Gemini : May 21 – June 20
- Cancer : June 21 – July 22
- Leo : July 23 – August 22
- Virgo : August 23 – September 22
- Libra : September 23 – October 22
- Scorpio : October 23 – November 21
- Sagittarius : November 22 – December 21
- Capricorn : December 22 – January 19
- Aquarius : January 20 – February 18
- Pisces : February 19 – March 20
As you see, each zodiac sign has its birth date and month. So from the list of “Zodiac Signs by Month”, you can easily find your sign. Also, if you click on each sign from this list, you will be navigated to a page, where you can find detailed information about each sign. Also, you can use the site menu and find out all possible compatibilities of your sign.

Let’s talk a little about each month, which signs were born in each month, and what characteristics they have.
Zodiac Signs of January: January is the first month of the year. This month got its name in honor of the Roman god of time Janus (Ianuarius). There are two signs born in this month – Capricorn and Aquarius. The main sign of January is the Capricorn. Capricorns are considered one of the most stubborn and materialistic signs of the zodiac. Their stubbornness is so strongly expressed that it interferes not only with them but also with the people around them. This trait must be controlled, otherwise, it will make life difficult.
Zodiac Signs of February: The next month is February, which is also named after God. The name of February comes from the name of the god of the underworld – Februus. This is the last month of winter. The main sign of this month is Capricorn. It is no coincidence that Capricorn by nature is considered one of the coldest signs of the zodiacal circle. Capricorn is similar to February, from the outside it looks like a cold winter. Another sign that was born this month(after February 18) is Pisces.
Zodiac Signs of March: March is the first month of spring and the third in line, and this month was named in honor of the Roman god of war, Mars. March is the first month of spring. The main sign of this month is Pisces. The most contradictory and mysterious sign of all 12 signs. Pisces has a kind heart and an unusual mindset. They are not as simple as they seem at first glance. The next sign of this month is Aries.
Zodiac Signs of April: Next month we have April. The name of this month comes from the Latin verb aperire, which means “to open.” Since it was in this month that flowers and trees were blooming in Italy. The main sign of this month is Aries. This sign is of masculine origin. If you briefly describe Aries, then this is the most self-righteous and egoistic sign. But this is a big plus, since they are born leaders. It is no coincidence that the house of Aries is considered the house of “I”. Another sign that was born in April is Taurus.
Zodiac Signs of May: May is the fifth month of the year. This month got its name in honor of the Greek goddess Maya. This month is separated by two signs – Taurus and Gemini. The main sign of this month is Taurus, since all those born before May 21 have this sign. Taurus is one of the most hardworking and responsible signs. It is no coincidence that May is also considered the month of hard work. The next sign of this month is Gemini. They can also boast of hard work, but in this regard, they clearly remain from Taurus.
Zodiac Signs of June: June is the first month of summer. This month got its name from the Roman goddess Juno. She was the consort of Jupiter and the goddess of birth, marriage and family. It is no coincidence that many couples are getting married this month. The main sign of this month is Gemini. This is the most changeable sign, they can change their mind depending on the wind. And this is not a joke at all. At the same time, they are sociable and do not like loneliness. The next sign of this month is Cancer.
Zodiac Signs of July: July is the sixth month of the year. This month got its name in honor of the great commander and politician Guy Julius Caesar. He was born this month. The main zodiac sign of this month is Cancer. Cancers are usually very sensitive. An unkind word can easily hurt them, but they are not as fragile as they seem. Also, Cancers have a very good sense of humor. Another sign that was also born this month is Leo.
Zodiac Signs of August: The next month is August, the last month of summer and probably the warmest month of the year. The name of this month is also of Roman origin. August got its name from the Roman emperor Octavian Augustus. The main sign of this month is Leo. The most active and cheerful sign. This is the most energetic and active sign of the zodiacal circle. It is impossible not to notice the representatives of this sign in the crowd. They are also considered born leaders like Aries. Those born after the 22nd of this month have the Virgo sign.
Zodiac Signs of September: The next month is September, the first month of autumn. This month got its name from the number seven (in Latin septem). The main sign of this month is Virgo. Virgo is considered one of the smartest signs out of all 12. And these are not just words, they are very smart and, in addition, they love order and cleanliness. The other sign of September is Libra.
Zodiac Signs of October: October is the tenth month of the year. This month is named from the Latin number eight (octō). There are two zodiac signs who were born in this month – Libra and Scorpio. Representatives of the Libra zodiac sign are usually the most balanced people. The main goal of Libra in this life is a calm and balanced atmosphere in the family and in the environment.
Zodiac Signs of November: November is the penultimate month of the year and the last month of autumn. The name of this month also comes from the Latin number, namely the number nine (novem). The main sign of this month is Scorpio. The most pronounced character of this sign is that he simply does not care about the opinion of others. Scorpios love to talk about themselves.
Zodiac Signs of December: December is the first month of winter and the last month of the year. This month got its name from the Latin number ten (lat. decem). People who were born this month have the sign of Sagittarius or Capricorn. The main sign of this month is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is considered one of the most curious and active signs of the zodiacal circle. They love to travel, read the news and explore new things.