As often happens in the Chinese zodiac – as with the Goat(Pig) for instance – we are dealing here with a sign whose characteristics are closely related to the sign it corresponds to in our zodiac, but equally, its opposite sign across the zodiac. So the Boar’s personality type possesses some traits in their character which remind us in a vague way of the Scorpio person, but also remind us a great deal of someone born under Taurus. In fact, like him, the Boar instantly gives the impression of someone blessed with a healthy, spontaneous, sensual disposition, of a somewhat naive character, uncomplicated, simplistic, materialistic, and decidedly down-to-earth. Equally, it can be said that Boar Chinese Zodiac is brave, a laborer, sturdy and tough, but he never does more than he has to and it is enough for him to provide for his needs and creature comforts to be happy.

Nevertheless, they can turn out to be very greedy and grasping or be motivated by profit at any price. So, if they are suddenly offered a source of attractive earnings, they can prove to be very shrewd, even though everything in their behavior would have you believe they are extremely gullible. But this strange mix of contradictory tendencies ends up turning out to their advantage, for if with them, you sometimes have the feeling of not knowing which way to turn, you’ll find complications where there aren’t any and won’t realize that this is the way they are and that’s it. Whatever their motives, desires, centers of interest, and feelings may be, their sincerity or honesty can never be questioned.
Talking about the Boar Chinese Zodiac personality, we should mention that they like simplicity, tranquillity, peace, and nature. They lead a healthy, ordered life, where everything is well organized. They need their creature comforts and their routine, which are, in their eyes, essential, vital points of reference. They are very obstinate, pig-headed even, and remain oblivious to any contradiction or advice, only listening to themselves and going their own sweet way, following up their decisions and objectives right to the bitter end, against all reason. Because of their slowness, they need a little more time than other people to understand, take things in and draw conclusions. But when they live through some experience, it is never in a superficial way.
Now let’s talk a little about the Boar Chinese Zodiac compatibility. There are two signs with whom the Boar can make good relationships. These signs are Rabbit and Goat. Boar and Rabbit have mutual love and understanding, the relationship will be harmony and long-lasting. Boar with Sheep is the happiest combination, they have many things in common. The Boar is incompatible with the Snake. They have serious clashes and strong conflicts, they cannot comprehend or trust each other.
They put all their efforts into whatever they do, body and soul, and hold on tightly to the memory of all their exploits and deeds and all the things they have experienced. Being sentimental, sensual, and possessive, love, in their eyes, is as simple, normal, and vital as the act of breathing or sleeping. They are very faithful but do not know how to resist the temptation of inviting caresses, which can lead them astray. In the meantime, as they have a horror of dramas and confrontation, they will prefer to abstain. There again, they can show some contradictory elements in their character, turning out to be both self-centered and utterly devoted to the one they love, showing an uncontrolled, excessive, exuberant, and even invading sensuality and at the same time adopting sanctimonious attitudes, even claiming to have sectarian ideas and strict rules. Now let’s check some myths about the Boar Chinese Zodiac.
Chinese myths and symbols of the Boar
Boar, hog, or pig? The Boar, whose France name sanglier means “solitary”, is a wild pig, whereas the pig is a domestic animal. It is obvious that the Chinese chose to introduce the boar and not the pig, into their zodiac because this wild animal has more of a noble air than the pig which has been bred for its meat. This is especially so as the Chinese have always thought of the pig as a beneficial animal, a symbol of comfort, happiness, and prosperity. So much so, that it was traditional for each family to have its own pig.
This fine reputation of the pigs, whose name frequently crops and as a symbol for everything that characterizes the Chinese family and their home life, has created some confusion between tame pigs and wild pigs. But it is definitely the wild boar that features in the Chinese zodiac, even if it is given the name of pig, which leaves a doubt hanging over its true nature. The Chinese, who will not let a paradox stop them, have put a polarity of yin on this sign, that is to say, they have given it feminine values and qualities, whilst they have nicknamed the Pig or Boar in their zodiac “manly Strength”. As if, in their eyes, the purest expression of manly power could only rest on a principle that is inherently feminine.
The Boar Chinese Zodiac characteristics
- The Boar Chinese name: Zhu
- The Boar polarity: Yin
- The Boar element: Water
- The Boar season: Winter
- The Boar month: November
Ql or periods of the year in the Chinese calendar:
- Da Shu (the twelfth period): from 12 July to 7 August;
- Li Chui (the thirteenth period): from 7 to 22 August
The Boar astrological affinities
The Chinese Boar shows affinities with the sign of Scorpio in our zodiac. However, since the month of November covers the two last decans of the sign of Scorpio and the first decan of Sagittarius, the Boar has similarities with Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, and Neptune, the ruling planets of these signs, as well as with Uranus, Venus, and Mercury, the rulers of these three decans.
Luck of the Boar Sign
- Boar Chinese Zodiac lucky Flower: Chrysanthemum and green onion
- Lucky Numbers: 1,8,7
- The Boar inauspicious numbers: 9,2,5
- Lucky color: White, gold, and blue
- Inauspicious Color: Gray, red, black, and dark brown
- Lucky direction: North, Northwest, and Western