Aries woman and Scorpio man compatibility have a high rate, so let us find out why.
The man, who was born under the sign of Scorpio, has masculinity, passion, a vivid expression of emotions. Despite the fact he is domineering by nature, he is unlikely to endure pressure from someone. The other important thing about this sign is that he will not share anything and anyone with someone: be it a professional success or a beloved woman. Representative of this zodiac sign is often prone to a depressive state and cannot (and sometimes simply does not want) to resist bad habits.

The ruling planet Mars and the element of Fire made a big influence on the character of Aries woman. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their dedication, desire for independence and usually prefer to make important decisions on their own. Aries women are very energetic, seems like it never ends, and in most cases, they lead an active and healthy lifestyle, also they have analytical thinking and often achieve significant career success.
Aries woman and Scorpio man compatibility become great, as both signs of this pair love honesty and straightforwardness, they are open and fair to each other, and everyone. So this increases the rate of their compatibility. No matter in what kind of relationship – just friendship, or love, or even marriage, they never stop their researches for faith and respect. As both of them are leaders, they can’t stand any injustice or insult to themselves. So being careful with them is always a good decision.
Both of them have such strong personalities. As a rule, the union of these signs either becomes so strong that they remain together for life, or immediately collapses, unable to withstand the heat of passion between these two powerful temperaments.
The other important advantage about Aries woman and Scorpio man compatibility is that they very delicately feel each other and usually understand without words. Such an important thing in marriage, agree? But this happens when their love is very powerful. If both zodiac signs of this union are committed to a serious relationship and, which is important, they are ripe for them, their bond will surely be very strong. The union will have enough support, passion, harmony, and mutual understanding.
We also want to know, what happens when the love collides two such strong personalities (We already know, that none of them wants to compromise)? In a typical pair of these zodiac signs, either the usually inflexible Aries will give way to Scorpio, or the love or marriage is over. But if they manage to survive this battle of characters and preserve feelings, the strength of this union can only be envied.
We usually add in the end, before mentioning the rate of any compatibility, that in any pair each sign has a lot of things to do for keeping the relationship and making it the best. The relationship is like a castle, which is built from stones one by one. So every time we put a stone on it, and we have to choose the right one. So think about it a little more.
So, the Aries woman and Scorpio man compatibility rate is 49%.