Let’s find out all about Aries’s personality traits. One of the most striking expressions of Aries Personality Traits – is leadership. Aries are leaders from birth, so we can’t do anything about it. Even from the first acquaintance with them, we feel the main feature of this zodiac sign – inescapable self-confidence and belief in their truth. Even when Aries is silent, we can read their inner firmness and inflexibility in every gesture. But when they start talking… Trust me, arguing with Aries isn’t a good decision.

So the reason is so simple: Aries is the first sign of the entire Zodiac circle, which symbolizes the birth of Life, the beginning of all beginnings. For that reason, astrologers of the world inevitably compared Aries’ character with the character of a newborn baby. The first place in the whole Universe for Aries is for their “self”. The whole world by his firm conviction revolves around him and must adapt to him. So don’t be surprised that Aries even may not notice other people’s needs and desires, but be anxious about their own. In addition, Aries is always battle-ready, so be careful with them, they can hurt you even not notice that.
Like babies, when Aries need something, they immediately notify the whole world with their persistent cry, they find it necessary to inform the whole world what they want and demand from others and even from Fate itself what belongs to him by right, in his opinion.
Table of contents
- Aries personality and style
- Aries childlike egoistic nature
- Why does Aries need friction in a relationship?
- Aries personality traits at work
- Points for Aries to improve
- Conclusion
Aries personality and style
His style is not to look for difficult ways, but to achieve what he wants in the simplest ways. Don’t be surprised, but self-confidence like that often pays off: both the world and Fate go towards the selfish ones – Aries by helping them to achieve their goals. They don’t look to any side, they can even not notice that you’re right beside them. Just take it easy. We can’t do anything with that.
However, selfishness (one of the other striking expressions of Aries Personality Traits) and even their narcissism are smoothed out by their other ‘’childish’’ features. Yeah! It is difficult to take offense at a person who, with such an interest, is capable of learning about the world around him, recklessly throws himself to defend the weak, or takes at all the words of his interlocutor as a truth. He is sincere and truthful, and always expects the same from everyone. Also, you can check detailed information about Aries man and woman personality traits on these pages: Aries Male Characteristics, Aries Female Characteristics.

In general, in the relationship with the Aries Zodiac Sign, you can be sure of one of their priceless qualities: they don’t have black shadows in their heart and won’t weave dodgy intrigues behind your back. They are all in front of you, as in the palm of your hand: if they don’t like something about you, they will declare it to you in a straight way. If it comes to conflict, it isn’t hard to infuriate them: just get ready for their violent and sudden outbursts of anger, which, however, will pass as quickly as thunderstorms in May.
Aries never hesitate to say everything they think about others in their eyes (and these are not always pleasant things), Aries themselves, like any child, always crave recognition and approval in their soul. For all his confidence Aries can react very painfully to criticism in their address, and even rude flattery can give them wings.
Everywhere, but in work especially, Zodiac Sign Aries always try to take the lead and set goals, and ideally, for recognition and fame, and to be honest, they often achieve their goals. They are independent, energetic, know how to take the responsibility very well, and even when they fail, their optimism and unbelievable faith in themselves do not allow them to ever give up for a long time. In other words, Aries are born leaders, and they have all the chances to reach the very heights they want to.
This leader is sincere and truthful, active and persistent, courageous and generous, and with a keen sense of justice. Despite the obstacles, he is ready to go forward, paving the way for those who follow him. He has a huge amount of energy, even limitless, as well as faith in himself, and he won’t get tired of taking everything from life to generously share with others.
Aries element is fire, ruling planet is Mars. They’re compatible with Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Aquarius, the colors are red and mustard, and the lucky numbers are 9,18,27,36,45,54,63.
Aries childlike egoistic nature
In psychological terms, the age ascribed to Aries is 0-1.5. From that perspective, we can compare Arias to an infant who is totally absorbed in itself. The survival instinct is in its prime in the first year of our lives. An infant’s needs have to be fulfilled without any delay in order to feel safe and not the harsh experience of survival.
Survival of the fittest:
Bursting into life requires fitness, ones need to set a shining example of pure willpower. A newborn has to be stubborn in practicing his will. At the beginning of our lives, there is complete uncertainty while we are still unaware of those whose role is to nurture us. There is only us, and the only thing a newborn can trust is his will. When a baby screams, he feels as though his life is in danger, the louder he gets, the better chance he has to survive.

A mother cannot be perfect, however, a “good enough mother” (Donald Winnicott) will allow him to experience that his will, naturally has power over reality.
Not knowing what you want is unsafe, the closer you are to sensing your will the safer you are. Sometimes, for that to happen, there has to be friction(or war…).
As the baby grows, he needs healthy boundaries which are not established by dismissing a child’s will, but instead by feeling empathy with his frustrations or pain for not receiving what he wants. Healthy boundaries are what allow Aries personality to develop a healthy control over his or her urges. When boundaries are placed wisely, an Aries child will not see his parents as an enemy to his will.
Aries personality traits come to light:
The safety and warmth of an infant depend massively on its mother’s feelings of joy in meeting all its needs. This experience allows a child to grow up with a sense of confidence and comfort to express his true self. As an adult, he will feel free to pursue his goals in life. He will have the courage to overcome challenges he might face.
Aries’s presence in the zodiac chart points to a charismatic personality. Aries has the ability to charm others, just like a child who wins everyone’s immediate attention. We may get angry at him for his childish character, but keep in mind he reminds us of our own inner child. Aries is teaching us how to express ourselves truly. By setting an example of courage he is leading us to personal freedom.
Aries personality traits stay in the dark:
When an infant’s needs are not fulfilled he’s confidence will surely be shattered. He grows up with a belief that no one can be trusted but himself, no one will simply open a door for him. In those early ages, when emotional needs are rejected, a child continues into adulthood he develops a sense of fear or quilt in expressing his true needs.
As a result, two types of Aries emerge:
A dormant Aries
This type is like a volcano with a cork stuck in it. Constantly fearing his fire will come out and burn everyone around him.
We will find it hard to recognize this person as an Aries sign. He keeps his desires and needs under control, shy and timid, trying hard to lay low. Nevertheless, His depressed expression could burst when least expected, making him very unpredictable at times.
Egoistic Aries
Constantly fighting for his place in life, unable to control his urges and needs, performing a strong deficiency in empathizing with fellow man. He feels threatened by the needs of others as if it’s against his own. He has difficulty with mutuality and teamwork. His will is on a heightened alert fearing for its survival, and he becomes dominant and over-competitive with others.
Both types have an enormous craving for attention, the first type experienced rejection and unhealthy boundaries, while the second type either did not receive boundaries or rejected them. Both still fear the danger to their will’s existence.
In the process of healing, the two types may trade places for some time. Allowing dormant Aries to let his control down, and express anger or any kind of suppressed emotions. For egoistic Aries controlling his reactions is the first step toward personal growth. It is important to point out that human personality cannot be viewed in terms of black and white. Each person is responsible for his conduct and for adapting the right attitude towards his fellow man.
Our will generates creativity, when there is fear our will is paralyzed, to be creative we must have courage.
Why does Aries need friction in a relationship?
Aries personality resembles a volcano that naturally needs to erupt, fire energy that needs realization. He does not intend to hurt anyone, but he needs to speak his truth at all costs. He knows better than anyone that in order to have a truthful bonding with a partner, both sides must express their individual needs. Sometimes, you don’t how important something is unless you fight for it.
Naturally, two needs cannot be in harmony at all times. Aries knows that conflicts are essential, unavoidable, and a natural part of intimacy. He needs a partner that does not fear his ricochets for it passes very quickly. Once you hold his anger you gain a friend for life. It’s a basic need for Aries for achieving a good relationship.
Aries is a free spirit and needs a lot of space in a relationship. If you’ll join his joy ride you will surely never get bored.
Aries personality traits at work
- Action and competition
- Goals and challenge
- Creativity and joy
Aries loves action, leading towards a creative initiative, and someone to compete with can drive his passion. He needs constant changes. He feels comfortable in short-term projects, achieving his goal and moving on to the next.

Aries is connected to the initial part of creation, when the seed begins to sprout, the alchemy phase of a newborn idea coming to life. Aries will water the young plant for a few days but as time goes by, he would look for a gardener. Aries loves leading with his creations, but after the first strike in the process, he tends to get bored, already planting a new idea to perform.
Therefore, he needs a dynamic working place that could offer him many goals to achieve using his ongoing creativity. Aries needs his working surroundings to be amazed by his abilities and motivation. Conquest is not complete unless someone was charmed by it.
The craving for excitement: After the peak of orgasm you can only go down… When conquering his target and reaching the peak, Aries immediately looks for another goal, another high feeling. People with dominant Aries in their birth chart can get addicted to excitement, running away from low feelings such as emptiness, sadness, confusion, and constantly on the hunt for some new exciting peak.
Points for Aries to improve
- Learning to enjoy a long-lasting presence, in his career and relationship. He could do that by finding new excitement and thrills in a single framework.
- Stop once in a while to smell the roses. Sometimes, the way to the top of the mountain is more important that the actual achievement of getting there.
- Anger is a good navigator for Aries to reconnect his own center and needs. Sometimes his anger is expressed not in a productive way. He should always keep in mind other people’s feelings and needs. True confidence is manifested only when you can be yourself without being threatened by others.
Aries traits encourage us all to connect to our inner truth. Some of us may judge Aries for his egoistic nature, but his nature may be just the cure we all need. More than others, Aries is associated with willpower, has a strong sense of will, and needs to know that the connection with him is full of truth, and this is the main conclusion that we can come to at the end of this article.
When traits of a sign are not visible to him, it means he is challenged to connect to those traits. Sometimes zodiac sign’s qualities are what a person needs to straighten in his life.