The ruling planet of Libra is Venus, and for Aries – Mars. If we go to the sources of mythology, we will find that these deities were lovers; Venus changed Vulcan (he was the personification of the elements of Fire, in Greek mythology it was Hephaestus) with Mars. Here in this story love curbs the war. So in the relationship of Libra and Aries, all conflicts end in reconciliation, love flares up with renewed power and energy.
Talking about Aries man and Libra woman compatibility, we can say the strange thing, that at the first meeting representatives of these signs see practically nothing in common with each other. As a representative of an airy sign, Libra Aries man seems to be too assertive and impatient. On the other hand, the Zodiac sign Libra may seem to Aries a little incomprehensible, but man is attracted by the lightness of this beauty. As usual, Aries man always tries to do anything possible to know this woman better. And even if initially the airy maiden can resist, but the representatives of the fiery sign are not used to retreating. And if they start talking for a little, everything about the first impression starts to change.

The rate Aries man and Libra woman compatibility is one of the highest of all compatibilities considering all the actions of different kinds in their love and marriage. So let us start from their planets. Venus and Mars identify the feminine and masculine principles. Heavenly patrons make the Libra woman and the Aries man very interesting to each other in a romantic way and harmonize their relationship. To be honest, these two signs have a lot of differences in their characteristics, and also they have generally different views of the world, these two are often not only in a happy love relationship for a long time, but even their marriage is so strong and happy.
Libra woman is very wise and with the man born under the sign of Aries, this companion can correctly distinguish between their functions and responsibilities in a relationship of love or marriage. So, Libra woman subdues her leadership, preferring to show it in other areas of life, so she allows the faithful to take responsibility on their male shoulders, and, what is the most important, allows him to make mistakes.
In marriage Aries man, as a representative of fiery sign, and the one who loves the leadership, always takes the rule of the family, so it is impossible otherwise. But what is the most important in it, is that the Zodiac sign Aries man always takes into account Libra woman’s opinion. So here the rate of such compatibility gets higher and higher, so nothing can stop them. The very same weight lady is engaged in the organization of family comfort and in any case, she is always ready to come to the aid of her beloved. So this becomes the main strength of such love or marriage. This couple most of all like to travel together, which “enliven” their connection.
No matter how further they can go in their relationship, Aries man remains a real knight, and Libra woman is always sweet as a princess. The most important thing in this compatibility is that Aries man, as a perfect example of Man, from the first acquaintance never stops to admire the elegance and beauty of passionate Libra woman, and gladly spoils her with pleasant surprises, allowing her always feel attractive and desirable.
So considering everything about this couple, we can say that the rate of Aries man and Libra woman compatibility is up to 85%. Their rate is one of the highest.