The Sun enters the constellation of the Aries sign on the 21st of March and stays there until the 20th of April. The Aries sign belongs to the element of fire, which is shown in its characteristics. This element endowed them with a huge amount of energy, purposeful nature, and determination. The ruling planet for this sign is Mars, and due to its affection, the Aries male characteristics are distinguished with their very high emotional nature, ambitiousness, and dynamic mind and action. They know to take responsibility for themselves, and to take their words till the end, even if the war will be necessary.
The Aries man has its rulers among the stones as well. For example, the Diamond. It helps to redirect the passionate energy of this sign to the more pacific areas, so it is what they truly need, as this is one of the most dangerous Aries male personality traits. The Aries men can consider zircon as their main amulet, which strengthens the bond with the guardian angel. The amethyst stone will help to reveal the hidden talents of this representative, and to develop the best parts of the Aries male characteristics. The sapphire can activate prudence and wisdom. The luckiest numbers for the Aries man are 4, 7, 9, and also all the combinations of mentioned digits.

The representative of this sign is always proud of the three Aries male characteristics; those are the keeping of the word, determination, and independence. Aries rarely promise something, but if they do, they will absolutely keep it till the end.
The strive for always winning, and his unchangeable determination let him reach the goals he set previously. And we take into account that their ways to their goals they walk alone, without any support (here we see one of the best Aries male characteristics with their independence), they can easily take the first place of the strongest men among the whole zodiacal constellations.
Besides that, if we don’t pay attention to the unusual type of the Aries male characteristics, we can say that these representatives are also good friends. He will always come to help in the hardest situations. Of course, he will always say “I have warned you” with irony, but it doesn’t matter, he will help you anyway.
The Aries men adore to win, to get the best from everyone. This trait is easy to explain, as we only have to remember about their ruling planet Mars. This planet itself rules the characteristics and moods of the Aries sign. They are aware, that there are no easy victories, they won’t even think about maneuvers. For the representatives of these signs, the searching for secret loopholes, tricky approaches, and methods are too shallow. As many scars, they have, as fairer the victory is, and as more obvious their heroism is.
The Aries man is very passionate and romantic in love. For his loved one he is ready to move mountains. In the Aries male personality traits, there is one minus – they are catastrophically jealous, stubborn, and tend to aggression. If you try to provoke them when all these traits appear, everything may turn into a criminal too. There is no need to search for a motive for jealousy; he will figure it out himself.
Like everyone in this world, this man as well has both pros and cons; we only have to concentrate on the good things.