Are Gemini man and Pisces woman soulmates?
Let’s try to answer this question and find out if the Gemini man and the Pisces woman are soulmates, if possible, and what they need to do to become soulmates. We don’t want to disappoint you but these two signs are pretty different. They almost don’t have anything in common.
One simple thing can be said about the likelihood that a Pisces woman can become a soul mate for a Gemini man, there is a probability, but it is too small. By nature, these two cute zodiac signs are different and have many incompatible character traits. We will find out which character traits conflict the most and offer some solutions.
The Gemini man and Pisces woman also have different elements, and this is another reason confirming that the Gemini man and Pisces woman are far from the best soulmates. The element of the Gemini man is air, and the element of Pisces woman is water.

But in any case, if possible, then it is worth finding out how a Pisces woman and a Gemini man can become soulmates. This is a very difficult situation because by nature these signs are not soulmates, so they need to work hard and change themselves to get closer and closer.
What should change a Gemini man to become a soulmate for a Pisces woman?
There are several changes that are required from the Gemini man, and more changes are required from this man than from the Pisces woman. Understand correctly, Gemini is a sign that is, to put it mildly, ambiguous and he often swears with himself and is always dissatisfied. If this is not an exaggeration, then we can say that Gemini is the most grouchy sign of the zodiac. But he becomes grouchy with age. So he can fight it and get rid of this bad character.
Gemini is also considered one of the most adventurous signs of the zodiac. The adventurer Gemini will only interfere with the harmony of this relationship, so they need to change and set the bar for their adventures. To become a Pisces female soulmate, you need to earn her trust and make her feel safe.
Some Gemini men simply cannot live without lies or exaggerations. We do not say that they are liars, they just like to decorate everything, and the Pisces woman does not always like this. Since this woman is very honest, she loves when her loved ones are also honest with her.

What should change a Pisces woman to become a soulmate for a Gemini man?
As we have already mentioned, the Pisces woman does not have many pronounced bad characters. But, in any case, she should also change her inner world in order to become a soulmate of the Gemini man.
First of all, she needs to change her touchy character. You can’t just be offended by the little things, because there are a lot of such situations in everyday life. The Pisces woman is a fragile creature and therefore she is easily offended, but she needs to get rid of this negative character. In addition, she needs to speak directly about this offense and not hide the offense inside herself.
As you know, a Pisces woman can sometimes be very lazy. This is a bad character, especially if she wants to become a soulmate of the Gemini Man. This man hates lazy people and is very active and always on the move. So the Pisces woman needs to get rid of this character.

Frequently Asked Questions
By nature, they are definitely not kindred spirits.
Do not be surprised, this is not much, about 20-30%.
The Pisces woman is considered one of the most spiritual and sentimental signs in the entire zodiac. She lives a rich spiritual life and in this case, they have almost no equal. The Gemini man is not considered a spiritual sign. He loves to fantasize like a Pisces woman, but spiritually, he is several times inferior to her.
They need to change themselves and change their inner world, otherwise, nothing will work.