Under the zodiac sign of the Aquarius born people in the period from 21st of January until the 20th of February. The Sumerians in this constellation captured the image of the god An, who has poured the sacred waters of immortality on the earth. The name “Aquarius” a sign has got from the ancient Greek scientist Ptolemy. In the Egyptian civilization, this sign was associated with the season of rains. The Symbol of the Aquarius sign is the water carrier, which brings to the people life-giving moisture. So helping people is one of the Aquarius Male Characteristics. The schematic sign is depicted as two wavy lines that represent water flow.
In ancient times the Aquarius was ruled by the planet Saturn, but today it is ruled by Uranus, the planet of transformations and cardinal changes. Its representatives animate humanity to revolutions and updates. If in the horoscope of person presence Uranus, that person will always go on, search for new ways, avoiding old traditions and dogmas.

The element of Aquarius is the Air. This sign has great affection, especially in the Aquarius male characteristics. It gives to its representatives a strive for freedom, optimism, and lightness in communication. The main Trait of Aquarius male characteristics is that they are born reformatory of all that has become obsolete: the social system, moral norms, philosophical theories. The mind of Aquarius man never stays calm, and always circles with the mind of making this world better and perfect. The element of the Air made the Aquarius male characteristics endowed by the charm and artistic abilities, flight of fantasy, diplomacy, and unpredictability.
To the sign, that combines in himself both elements of the Air and Water, astrologers recommend preferring gems of light and blue tones. The stones talismans that are compatible with the Aquarius male characteristics are sapphire, moonstone, obsidian, and blue topaz. Jewelers with sapphire and amulets can protect the Aquarius man from the problems connected with the heart and vessels, neuralgia, and asthma. Obsidian is known as a stone, which can protect their owners from colds, pressure drops that are especially actual for the Aquarius man. Favorable colors for the Aquarius zodiac sign are palettes of blue, purple, grey, silver, and colors of sea waves. Favorable numbers are 2, 4, 8, 11, 13.
Under the influence of the vibrations from the universe are born unordinary natures that stand out strongly from masses. That is why this sign is a record holder by the number of celebrities. The Aquarius man never gets tired of loneliness; due to natural communicativeness, he is always surrounded by the armies of admirers.
But don’t hurry to call this man an extrovert; the representative of this sign from time to time needs to be alone with his thoughts. We need to mention that it is very difficult to attribute this man to any camp, as they do not fit into the generally accepted standards, and to define their psycho type is something like fantasy. Despite his popularity, he never gets out of the mind of it. Light humor and critics meet in this man even in his attitude to himself. Let’s mention some advantages of the Aquarius male characteristics – humanity, willpower, and loyalty. Having these traits in himself, this man expects to see them in others as well, but his realism helps him to stay in balance, and not to be blown by the wind of imagination.