The Aquarius zodiac sign is the eleventh one in the whole zodiacal circle. The sun enters this zodiacal constellation on the 20th of January and stays there until the 18th of February. The symbol of the Aquarius zodiac sign is a male human with a pitcher pouring water. The ruling planets for the representatives of this sign are Uranus and Saturn. Those planets make the Aquarius nature dual and contradictory. The element of this sign is the Air. This sign has many opposite character traits and qualities, which he can perfectly combine in several situations.
From the 20th of January to the 18th of February born people that are both romantics and realists at the same time. They are able to dream and plan at the same time, and at those times they never lose the ground under their feet.

- Ruling planet: Uranus, Saturn.
- Element: Air.
- Symbol: Water-Bearer.
- Season: Winter.
- Polarity: Yang.
- Color: Blue(Electric blue).
- Flower: Laurel.
- Positive Traits: Balance, Goodness, Sincerity, Intelligence.
- Negative traits: Untrustworthy, Grouchy, Withdrawn.
- Metal: Aluminum, Uranium.
- Gemstones: Garnet, Amethyst, Aquamarine.
- Best Match: Aries.
- Worst Match: Sagittarius.
- Anatomical associations: Shins, Calves, Ankles.
Aquarius is always an innovator, individuals, they never follow the majority, and chose their personal, exceptional ways. They are much ahead of anyone in ideas, they have a wonderful mind, that is why they are able to create their career where there is needed a mind out of standards, and ability to look so far, and to make innovational decisions.
Table of contents:
- Aquarius planet
- Aquarius Constellation
- Aquarius Element
- Qualities of the zodiac sign Aquarius
- Aquarius personal life
- Aquarius zodiac sign and career
- The health of the Aquarius zodiac sign
- Aquarius in a relationship
- How to Attract an Aquarius zodiac sign
- Aquarius man
- Aquarius woman
- Conclusion
Aquarius planet
Aquarius is ruled by the two planets Uranus and Saturn. Uranus endows Aquarius with very good qualities. This planet gives the sign intelligence and balance. Therefore, Aquarius is considered one of the most balanced signs of the zodiac. Under the influence of Uranus, a genius is born who thinks differently than others. Saturn endows Aquarius with restraint and caution.
In the first half of life (up to 30 years), Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, and in the second half by Saturn.
This sign likes to work with like-minded people, this is very important for him. Aquarius does not like those who try to dominate. He adores freedom and values equality and fraternity.
Aquarius Constellation
The Aquarius Constellation is a constellation in the Zodiac that is located between Capricornus and Pieces. The Aquarius Constellation is found in a region that is often referred to as “The Sea” because of the many water signs located there including Pieces and Cetus.
Aquarius is one of if not the oldest recognized constellations known to man and is significant for this reason. It is visible in the Northern Hemisphere between the latitudes of +65 and -90 degrees and is best visible around 9:00 pm during the month of October.

Aquarius has many stars with known planets around them including Alpha Aquarii, also known as Sadalmelik, Beta Aquarii (Sadalsuud), and Gamma Aquarii (Scheat). There are also three large meteor showers in Aquarius which are the Delta Aquariids, the Eta Aquariids, and the Iota Aquariids.
The element of Aquarius is air. This element allows this sign to manifest itself in many areas. For Aquarius there are no boundaries, they may have an interest in everything, both the material and spiritual world. But Aquarius is famous for its developed intellect.
Aquarius is considered the most difficult air sign in the zodiac. It transforms the intellectual world. Many technological and scientific breakthroughs have been made by representatives of this sign. They have a gift to drag humanity along with them thanks to their developed intellect.
Aquarius is calm as air, but sometimes a strong wind rages inside him. Despite all this, he is balanced and strives to the heights of knowledge and to the cosmos.
Qualities of the zodiac sign Aquarius
Vulnerable representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign never forgive the wrongs they inflicted. The people, who were born under the element of the Air, usually love society and get all the good things they are able to get from people. Aquarius is used to expressing himself with his unusual ideas, with appearance out of standards, they are people, who don’t have certain prejudices. This sign, as a rule, breaks established beliefs, does not accept stereotypes, and deliberately challenges society.
Aquarius, like the element of the Air, is able to change his direction because of emotional impulses, they are unstable in their relationships as well, be it love, marriage, or just a friendship. But everything changes, when they get addicted; they become able to desperate and sweeping gestures. They love freedom, and as was expected, they are not able to border themselves in something, as they prefer to go on about their desires. Also, check detailed information about this sign characteristics on this page – Aquarius Personality Traits.

The representatives of this sign dare the originality and want to see it everywhere, in any situation. They also love comfort and material wealth. They are reliable friends, as they prefer to have few friends but to be a friend with the whole meaning of this word. But in love, they usually lack stability, as they can easily get carried away and cool down quickly.
Personal life
Now let’s talk about Aquarius’s personal life. He knows how to manage his life, and in his place, everything is basically in its place. This applies to both material and spiritual things.
The representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign make the best compatibilities with the people, who represent the element of the Fire (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius). From physics, we already know that for fire the air is necessary, and in turn, the fire makes the air warmer. So in the compatibilities like this, the partners already have the blessing of the universe. You can check all the possible compatibilities of this sign on this page – Aquarius Compatibility.
The Aquarius zodiac sign has neutral compatibilities with the representatives of the same element (Gemini and Libra). They are less compatible with the signs, that represent the element of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn), and the Water (Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer). Every kind of compatibility is possible, everything depends on how much the partners want their relationships to continue. So you already know the secret.
Aquarius zodiac sign and career
At the expense of a career, Aquarius is a little complicated. The fact is that this zodiac sign can easily prove himself in many areas and build a good career for himself, but solitude is important to him, which is why he needs to choose a job that will allow him to do this. He needs to be alone from time to time.
Excellent scientists, psychologists, doctors, guides, and even writers come out of Aquarius. The scope of their activity is very wide, but for one thing, this area is closely connected with the intellect. This sign has a developed intellect and they should not be mistaken in choosing a career. Their intellect will surely bear fruit regardless of the field they will work in. Aquarians are also talented in pedagogy and sociology.

Aquarius does not like office work, because it is very boring for him. Doing the same thing for a long time is not interesting for him. In a sense, Aquarians are dreamy people, and they need jobs where their imagination and intellect are not limited.
The health of the Aquarius zodiac sign
Now let’s talk about the health of the Aquarius zodiac sign. Like all signs of the zodiac, Aquarius also has weaknesses in the body. Aquarius often has problems with the nervous system and the heart. He may often experience insomnia and hormonal disruptions.
Aquarius is advised to eat foods rich in vitamins B and E. These vitamins are necessary to avoid vascular disease. Fresh fruits and vegetables should also be included in the diet.
Many people born under this sign lead a very poor lifestyle, which affects their health. For example, they can get so carried away with work or other activities that they forget that they haven’t eaten anything since the morning. Or they can smoke a pack of cigarettes for 2-3 hours. And all this leads to serious consequences for their health. They should definitely pay attention to this, otherwise, it will be too late.
Aquarius in a relationship
Aquarius is one zodiac sign, which seeks quantity rather than quality in a relationship. They can’t be tied down to one single relationship for a long time, even if it’s a friendship. For them, there are various interesting people around the corner yet to be explored. They are fiercely independent and will even accept help according to their own terms and conditions. They are always in search of knowledge and try to gather it in all possible ways.
Aquarians belief in living their lives and letting others live their own. Rarely will you find Aquarian fighting for a huge cause or even arguing for issues. They might simply agree with you just to end an argument. There are times, when an Aquarian wants to be alone, at such times it’s best to leave them alone and not disturb their solitude.
The key planet of Aquarius is Uranus. Its color is electric blue and the element is air. The stones associated with Aquarius are aquamarine and blue sapphire. It rules the eleventh house of the horoscope, which stands for friends and society, and its corresponding tarot card is The Star.
How to Attract an Aquarius zodiac sign
Here are some ways you can attract an Aquarius zodiac sign.
- You will need to connect with them on an intellectual level; be well-read and intelligent and this can help you a long way. Aquarius like to be challenged and if you are not intellectually challenging him you may find he quickly loses interest.
- Aquarius are very curious and like excitement and new experiences. Suggest new things for you guys to do that will stimulate his mind and excite him. Such things include museums, diving, rafting, art galleries, and more. Always seek out a new adventure with him and he will really appreciate it.
- Aquarians are very kind and humanitarian individuals so you must show that you are yourself. Always help others if given the chance and really embrace the humanitarian lifestyle. It is important that you do not fake this and that you really are a kind individual yourself as an Aquarius is very intelligent and will often know.
- Talk to him! Really get to know him. Aquarians are great communicators and love the mental stimulation that comes from holding a conversation. Make sure to challenge him with complex thoughts and ideas and you will always continue to learn more about each other.
- Aquarians make friends very easily so it helps to first become friends with an Aquarius before attempting to attract him. Continue to get to know him better and work towards gaining his attraction on a smaller level. He will appreciate your friendship and the game of attracting you.
Aquarius man
He is a group man, and teamwork comes naturally to him. Aquarians, deliver the best in group projects, provided they must feel that they are the ones leading it. His interest is scattered all over the place as his love for people is quite impersonal.
Aquarian men are visionaries and very intuitive and inventive. They always have an eye for larger schemes in life. They always have a highly developed sense of their individuality and uniqueness and they need like-minded people to help them pursue their own interests.

While the other zodiac signs share values with only their special and loved ones, an Aquarian man shares certain values with every soul he meets. He just can’t stand to be labeled as a narrow-minded man. He will constantly live a life of change, controversy, and unexpected events.
The Aquarian mind is forever analyzing, they will never rest in peace unless they have figured out what exactly did the other person mean when he said something. They are not easily adaptable and do not mingle easily with other people. They have their own values and ideas and don’t like being pushed around.
An Aquarian man is never interested in a woman who is completely open, he is always on the lookout for an interesting puzzle to solve, there has to be something to intrigue him. Open books are not for an Aquarian man, he is majorly attracted to closed pages, which arouses his detective instinct. To an Aquarian, everyone is special, even the ones he hasn’t met. He is not the jealous or the possessive type, he will trust you unless you give him a reason not to. Physical expressions of love don’t come naturally to them; they are not very comfortable with it. The Aquarian man always has within him a high possibility of winning something distinct.
Aquarian woman
The best trait of an Aquarian woman is that you can have interesting discussions with her. She will always be willing to start a conversation without being biased toward any particular subject. She has a very charming manner. They enter politics or helping and welfare professions and she is always motivated by her own set of ideals. She is always willing to do things. An Aquarian woman is very comfortable being friendly with ex-lovers of husbands. It is easy for her to erase her past from her memories.

Like the Aquarian man, an Aquarian woman has a very impersonal nature because of which she is unable to enjoy expressions of deep feelings. She has a predictable and limited amount of words to express her feelings. If you are in a relationship with an Aquarian woman you also have to like her friends. It is mandatory for you. The easiest way to lose her is by showing jealousy, by being possessive towards her, or by being prejudiced and critical.
Her intuition is remarkable. Initially, her judgments might not appear very practical, but she has the ability to look months and years ahead of time. An Aquarian woman lives in the future. What she says does come true, maybe a little late but it does. They will readily give you opinions on various matters but will never enforce them on you. Those men who are afraid of intelligent women should keep their distance from an Aquarian woman.
Strong and attractive personalities and honest enough to change their opinions, once they realize they are wrong. This is an Aquarian, possessing a very rare and excellent quality of having the ability to study both sides of coins with equal interest without being biased to either side.
Aquarians have a broad outlook towards everything and rarely will you find them prejudiced. Their perspective toward life is always wider and greater than others. They always picture a fair society with a great deal of progression.

Aquarians always start analyzing situations, friends, and strangers, and sometimes it becomes difficult to answer their point-blank questions, which may end up hurting you emotionally. Their judgment of human nature is almost at all times quite correct. Hence, they don’t make friends easily and sometimes are mistaken to be cold people.