April month is the second one in spring. Seems like this bright and ambiguous period gave part of its unusual characteristic to people born in this month. Among the spring zodiacal signs, the April zodiac signs represent two constellations – Aries and Taurus, which are distinguished with their strong potential and impressive characteristic traits.
Explosive Aries: the main one of the April zodiac sign: Practically, the whole month (until the 19th of April) is ruled by ambitious, fiery, and invincible Aries. The ruling planet of this star sign is the warlike Mars, and the element of the Aries zodiac sign is the bright and burning fire. The war and the fire! These are strong people, who know to inspire others and reach their goals. The main character trait of the first one of April’s zodiac signs is leadership. They are born leaders, they have stubbornness and the ability to manage with the combination of strong willpower, and all these help the representatives of this zodiacal constellation to reach the highest highs.

However, the medal has two sides, and here the second side of the Aries is their irascibility, aggressiveness, sometimes extra passion (in any kind of relationship). All these traits can destroy many things, so the representatives of this sign have a lot of things to do, and the first is to learn to control their emotions.
It would be very good if these people with their iron willpower will use to combat outbursts of rage and vain aspirations, which can lead them to conflicts, and even traumas. The path to harmony is in their composure, and they have to remember this often. Also, it would be great, if the Aries people could listen to more than just seething feelings (like anger or jealousy), but to their interlocutor as well. The representatives of the first one of the April zodiac signs sometimes have to especially learn sensitivity, as efforts like that will help to get rid of disharmony and live in peace.
Sensitive Taurus: the zodiac sign, which ends the April: The period of the Taurus sign starts from the 20th of April. The element of this star sign is the Earth, and the ruling planet – gentle Venus. Due to her loving influence, people born under this star sign, are distinguished with their love of life, fun, and craving for pleasure.
The representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign – the second one of the April zodiac signs, are welcoming and adorable, casual elegance is easy on them, and the mesmerizing artistry as well. But with all their characteristic advantages, there are disadvantages as well: the Taurus goes to extremes easily, especially in entertainment and pleasures, and they are also vulnerable to the charms of vanity.
The brightness of feelings, which is descriptive for the Taurus zodiac sign, can transform from complacency to obsessive exaggeration of any suffering. This is the main reason why Taurus, like the Aries, have to learn to control themselves. Winning yourself means winning thousands of battles, and this is about the representatives of the April zodiac signs. Controlling personal emotions will help them to deal with the difficult influence of flighty Venus. The main thing here is that the feeling of beauty and friendliness does not develop into extravagance and excess.