The universe is consists of four elements, which also represent the basis of this world. They are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Each of them has its representatives and affects them in several ways. Because of those affections, every group has some characteristics in common. Their temperaments are common as well. In astrology, the 12 zodiacs are divided into 4 elements, and each element has its unique affection for its representatives. The Air zodiac signs are Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius. Here are the other elements and their representatives: Fire – Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, Earth – Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, and Water – Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
The specialties of the Air zodiac signs are warmth, humidity, flexibility, divisibility, and adaptability. These traits make the airy trigone. This trigone is considered as a trigone of ideas and intellectuality. The principle of it is exchange and contact.

The air defines contacts and mutual connections. It gives to its representative such characteristic traits, as activity, mobility, changeability, liveliness, receptivity, agility, curiosity, omnipresence, boundlessness. The Air is independent. It responses to the main processes in the Earth – movement, reproduction, procreation, that is, for the transfer of life.
The people who have the trigone of the Air in their horoscopes belong to the temperaments of sanguine. Such people can make impressions. They are fast in their decisions, they accept any information easily and fast, and after that rework with that information, and only then share it with others. They are ready for any changes in their lives. They have spiritual flexibility, lability in their psyche, active mind. They are tireless as long as are interested in something. Monotony tires them.
A disadvantage of the characteristic of the people of the Air zodiac signs, we can mention their lack of solidity, and depth in the sphere of thinking, feelings, and activities, they are not so reliable, so do not hurry to trust them. They are too superficial, nervous, undetermined, their goals and plans always hesitate and change. But one thing is important here – their disadvantages they can represent as an advantage. That is why we say that they are not reliable. You can expect everything from them.
No other trigon has such abilities, as has the trigon of the Air – ability to diplomacy and secular lifestyle. He is a virtuoso in the ability to establish numerous and varied connections, to gasp, connect, and use dissimilar information. The representatives of the Air zodiac sign hate sedentary lifestyle, business routine, and in most cases, they do not have stability in their professions, if only it is not connected with the information, travel, and contacts.
The main success of the people of the Air zodiac signs has been in science, techniques, the world of art, especially literature. Journalism is like their element. The best assistant for them is their constant strive for something new, new impressions, new experience, unstoppable exchange of information and thoughts, ideas, outlooks, and opinions with other people, and ability to make fast connections with them. The ideal for the representatives of the Air zodiac signs is to always be in the center of attention.